Captain scott

Captain Robert Falcon Scott

  • Birth of Captain Robert Falcon Scott

    Captain Robert Falcon Scott is born
  • Officer Training

    Robert went to officer training college HMS Britannia in 1880
  • Completion of Officer training

    Scott completed officer training.
  • Promotion

    Captain Scott was promoted from officer to a sub-Lieutenant
  • Promotion

    Robert was promoted to Lieutenant fro sub-Lieutenant.
  • Offered job

    He was offered by Royal Geographical Society to command a trip to Antarctica.
  • Furthest south

    Captain Robert Falcon Scott Reaches 500 miles south.
  • Made commander of the Royal Victorian.

    He was made commander of the Royal Victorian Order by King Edward VII.
  • Married Kathleen Bruce

    Captain Scott married Kathleen to be his lawfully wedded wife.Kathleen was a skilled sculpturer.
  • Captain Scott's second expedition

    He goes back on another trip to Antarctica and makes great discoveries.
  • Goes to the center of the south pole

    Captain Scott reaches the south pole but discovers that Roald beat him there.
  • Captain Robert Falcon Scott's Death.

    He dies when he was trapped in a nasty blizzard.