Capstone Action Plan

  • Period: to

    Action Plan

  • Common Core Assessment #3 (PreTest)

    Common Core Assessment #3 (PreTest)
    K.CC.1. Counts to 100 by ones and by tens.
    K.CC.2. Counts forward beginning from a number other than one.
    K.CC.3. Writes numbers from 0 to 20. Represents a number of objects with a written numeral.
    K.CC.4. Understands the relationship between numbers and quantities (last number names the quantity; each following number is one more).
    K.NBT.1. Shows that numbers from 11-19 represent a group of ten and leftover ones.
  • Begin Implementation of Strategies

    Begin Implementation of Strategies
    • Warm up counting (eg. 1’s; 10’s; 2’s; 5’s)
    • Number of the Day: Students are to create four square; each square broke apart the number are learning or practicing that day. (the numberal; the number word; show it or draw a picture of it; show it in a tens frame).
    • Materials that involve numbers or number sense (eg. Dice; dominos; playing cards; coins)
  • OPS Progress Monitoring

    OPS Progress Monitoring
    Adminster OPS approved Progress Monitoring assessment Form B
    -Analyze numbers: 4;5;6,7,8,14
  • Final Project Due/ Begin Presentation Work

    Final Project Due/ Begin Presentation Work
  • Common Core Assessment #4 (Post Test)

    Common Core Assessment #4 (Post Test)
    K.CC.1. Counts to 100 by ones and by tens.
    K.OA.1-2. Represents addition and subtraction in a variety of ways.
    K.OA.3. Decomposes (breaks apart) numbers in a variety of ways.
    K.OA.4. Finds the number that makes ten when added to a given number and records the answer with a drawing.
    K.OA.5. Fluently adds and subtracts within one to five.
  • Analyze the Data

    Analyze the Data
    • November: Running Record Analysis
    - Initial Testing (Common Core Assessment #3) - Running Records (OPS); Antidotal Notes; Notes from Mentors/Coaches; Record adjustment made to planning
    - Final Assessment (Common Core #4)
  • Product Due & Website Development

    Product Due & Website Development
  • Capstone Presentation

    Capstone Presentation