Capps's Road to the Revolution Project

  • The French & Indian War

    The French & Indian War
    The French & Indian war started in the year of 1754. It started because, both the French and the British wanted to have colonial domination in North American, India, and the Caribbean’s. All though the French had the advantage of winning in the beginning of the war, the British ultimately won in the end, but after the British won the war they were put into a major debt.
  • Pontiac's War

    Pontiac's War
    Pontiac's War started in 1763, after the British got the French's territory which caused a rupture in the American, and Native American’s relationship in the Great Lakes part of North America. The war was fought because, the Native Americans had gotten along with the French, but when the British toke over they raised the price on trading new goods, would bring in colonist instead of traders, they did not accept them mixing, and there was a new harshness on them.
  • Pontiac's War 2

    Pontiac's War 2
    Pontiac lead the war against the British, hence the title "Pontiac's War." Because of this war, the British were put into an even bigger debt, and since they realized they were going to lose, they created the Treaty of Paris.
  • Proclamtion of 1763

    Proclamtion of 1763
    The proclamation of 1763 was an act which stopped or forbade settlers from settling past a curtain point or line drawn along the Appalachian Mountians. It stated that colonist were not allowed to settle along the Ohio River Valley. The purpose of the law was to prohibit settlers from taking the Indians land, which they did not like. Colonist protested in both America and England, but evenually they started settling westward again.
  • The Sugar Act

    The Sugar Act
    The Surgar Act was where the British put a tax on sugar,wine, and other important things. The British passed the law because being in the previous war with the Indians they had been put into a huge debt, and they needed some way to get out of it, so they put a tax on iteams colonist traded the most. Becuase of this colonist started to boycott, some even stopped buying the iteams. They even tried to get people to boycott with them because they felt they shouldn't have to suffer because the tax.
  • The Quartering Act

    The Quartering Act
    The Quartering Act allowed soldiers to house in the colonist homes. The purpose of the law was to adress troop development. It required colonist to provide them with bedding, beer or cider, fire wood, and food utensils. They colonist did not agree with this law aswell and like before protested, but this time they threatend to kill the king, as well as killing some soliders, and refusing to house, clothe, and feed them.
  • The Stamp Act Congress

    The Stamp Act Congress
    The Stamp Act Congress was held because they wanted to resolve the violence which had accured in the effect of the stamp act, and quartering act. Samuel Adams, James Otis, John Hancock, Isaiah Thomas, George Grenville, Charles Wensworth, and William Pitt were the leaders in the congrees with only 9 colonies being represented. They made The Declaration of Rights and Grievences which set worth a law saying "No Representative- No Taxes." It was basically a battle cry.
  • The Stamp Act

    The Stamp Act
    The Stamp Act was the first internal tax on American colonist. The act put a tax on all paper documents in the colonies. They did this because they were but into a debt by the French and Indian war. Colonist though this was unfair, and unconstitutional, so they resorted to mob violence to scare tax collectors. It was basically the same thing as the sugar act, but with paper documents. The violence the colonist used accually worked to take tax away.
  • The Townshend Acts

    The Townshend Acts
    The Townshed Acts were named after Charles Townshed, who was the chancellor of the exchequer in the period following the repeal of the Stamp Act. The purpose of this law was to strengthen british parliment, but this law also put s tax on some iteams like tea, paper, and glass. Colonist did not like this law aswell as prior ones. They once again repealed, but british taxes still remained.
  • The Boston Massacre 2

    The Boston Massacre 2
    because of this the soldiers were put on trial and John Adams even though he was anti british he still believed they were entitled to a fair trial. Even though the famous painting of the Boston Massacre by Paul Revere depicted the whole event wrong, that is still the picture we look at today.
  • The Boston Massacre

    The Boston Massacre
    The events leading up to the Boston Massacre were the Stamp Act, which put a tax on all paper iteams including sugar, glass, and tea, and The Quartering Act, which allowed soldiers to house in colonist homes. The Boston Massacre accured when an angry mob advanced towards the British troops, and one set fire to warn them off, but the other soldiers out of training shot and killed 5 people. I do not think it's fair to call this a Massacre, because it was truely out of self defence, but
  • The Tea Act

    The Tea Act
    The purpose of The Tea Act was so the British didn't raise revenue. The Act was acually meant to help the people who were involved in the Boston Tea Party, This law was a monopoly, which means someone had controll over the tea and the tax on it.
  • The Boston Tea Party

    The Boston Tea Party
    The Boston Tea Party was where a group of men who were called the Sons of Liberty boardered a ship and threw 342 chest of tea into the Boston Harbor. They did this because they did not agree with the new monopoly on tea. The british responded to this by blocking off any in-going and out-going contact with the harbor.
  • The First Continental Congress

    The reason we have The First Continental Congress was so we could have independance. 12 colonies were representated, with only 6 people there. Two things the colonies agreed on at the Congress was to boycott all british goods, and have safty concil for every colony. 4 of the 6 people who attended this congress were George Washington, Samual Adams, John Adams, and Patrick Henry.
  • The Intolerable Act

    The Intolerable Act
    The Intolerable Acts also known as The Coercive Acts were passed to pay the debt from the French and Indian war. 3 Laws were acually apart of this, and they were The Tea Act, The Townshed Act, and Quabec was apart of it.
  • Lexington and Concord

    Lexington and Concord
    The reason the british were heading towards Concord was so they could try and capture their arms and ammunition, and to arrest John Hancock, but in Lexington a war broke out with the Minute Men who are trained members of the American Milita and the Milita of that town. The Revolutionary War accured in Concored in occurance to everything, but the British surrendered the war.
  • The Second Continental Congress

    The Second Continental Congress
    On June 14, 1775 the congress decided to make a Continental army. The congress also came up with something called the Olive Branch Patition, which was to aviod wars between the 13 colonies. They also issed the Delaration of Causes. The congress ended up surving for 13 American and British colonies.
  • Battle of Bunker Hill

    Battle of Bunker Hill
    The colonist intened on building their denfences on the high ground of Breed's Hill, but they built them on Bunker Hill. William Prescott lead the Americans in the battle, and Thomas Gage lead the British. The british's strategy to win the war was to march up North to the British Valley, and join forces with the other British Allies. They did this to see if the Americans would surrender, but they didn't so the British attacked William's Milita and won the battle.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    The Treaty of Paris is what ended the Revolutionary war, and it recognized American Independence. Because the British had won the war, they recieved most if not all of the French's territory in North America such as Quebec, and the Ohio Valley, Sadley for the French since they lost they had to give up their land, and leave North America.