Candace Smith

  • Doolittle's Raid

    Doolittle's Raid
    -Americans took the victory in Doolitte's Raid.
    -It was an air attack on Japan, launched from the aircraft carrier Hornet and led by Lieutenant Colonel James H. Doolittle.
    -Americans badly needed a "morale boost".
    -The battle was suppose to impact the Japanese mentally and make them believe that their leaders were unreliable.
  • Coral Sea

    Coral Sea
    -Victory was shared between Americans and Australians.
    -First time aircrafts engaged each other during fleet actions.
    -Both sides suffered severely.
    -Japanese sunk more American ships.
    -Japanese gave up on invasion but planned to try again later.
  • Midway

    -Victor: America
    -It was the most important naval battle of the Pacific Campaign.
    -Six months after Pearl Harbor.
    -Japanese wanted to lure Americans into a trap.
    -American code breakers discovered the date and time and were able to avoid the destruction.
  • Guadalcanal

    -United States victory.
    -Lasted until February, 1943.
    -Fought for possession of the previously-obscure island of Guadalcanal.
    -Both sides lost many ships and aircrafts.
    -Worse for Japanese.
  • Saipan

    -U.S. victory
    -Fought on the island of Saipan in the Mariana Islands from June 15- July 9, 1944.
    -Saipan is one of the islands in the Marianas chain.
    -Americans would provide a base from which to launch air attacks against Tokyo and the Japanese home islands.
  • Iwo Jima

    Iwo Jima
    -U.S. victory.
    -Fought for the island of Iwo JIma.
    -Iwo Jima was the only Marine battle where the American casualties, 26,000, exceeded the Japanese.
    -For the 22,000 Japanese defenders, Iwo Jima was the defense of their homes.
  • Okinawa

    -U.S. victory.
    -82 day battle.
    -Fought on the Ryukyu Islands .
    -Battle that ended the war.