The Law
Pierre Trudeau succeeds Pearson as leader of the Liberals and wins a majority in a federal election (June 25) in an atmosphere like a media circus. A Royal Commission on the Status of Women is appointed. Canadian divorce laws are reformed. -
One Danger?
Ken Taylor, Canadian ambassador to Iran, becomes an international celebrity for helping six Americans escape Tehran (Jan. 28). Canada boycotts Moscow's Olympic games due to the invasion of Afghanistan. A Québec referendum rejects sovereignty-association (May 22). "O Canada" is offically adopted as Canada's national anthem (June 27). The Supreme Court recognizes the equal distribution of assets in failed common-law relationships. -
The Money
The Canadian dollar hits an all-time low of 70.2 U.S. cents on international money markets (Jan. 31). Expo '86 opens in Vancouver (May 2-Oct. 13). The U.S. imposes tariffs on some imported Canadian wood products (May 22). Canada adopts sanctions against South Africa for its apartheid policies (Aug. 5). Tamil refugees are found drifting off the coast of Newfoundland (Aug. 11). Canada receives a United Nations award for sheltering world refugees (Oct. 6). -
Is this bad?
Newfoundland Premier Clyde Wells further slows down the signing of the Meech Lake Accord, but a native member of the Manitoba legislative, Elijah Harper, deals it the fatal blow with his absolute refusal to accept Québec as Canada's principal, if not only, "distinct society" . One of the many responses is the formation of the Bloc Québecois by a handful of disenchanted politicians (July 25). Bob Rae upsets David Peterson and, with a surprising majority, becomes Ontario's first -
The Canadian pilot of a Korean airliner that crashed is arrested for endangering the lives of his passengers. Cigarette taxes are lowered in an attempt to reduce smuggling. Trade barriers between provinces are reduced. The Inuit of Northern Québec arrange for self-government. The Parti Québecois win a narrow majority. -
The Loss
Controversy rages about financial mismanagement of billions of dollars of public grants (Feb.). -
The Tax
The unpopular Goods and Services Tax comes into effect (Jan. 1). Canadian forces join the multinational forces in the battle to drive Saddam Hussein's Iraqi troops from Kuwait (Jan. 15).