Jun 7, 1497
Cabot's "discovery" of Newfoundland
June 24 1497 was the day that Cabot founded Newfoundland -
Jun 24, 1534
Jacques Cartier discovery of Canada(New France)
He set sail under a comission fro the king. -
Champlain Founds Quebec City
Champlain established French settlement thats now Quebec City. -
Maisonneuve founds Montreal
Hudson Bay company founded
Treaty of Utrecht
Battle of Louisbourg
It was a pivotal battle of the Seven Years War. it was known in the United States as the French and Indian War. -
Fall of quebec
Paris Treaty
was signed in Paris (France) and ended the Seven Year War -
Quebect Act
it gave the French Canadians some of their rights back. -
Northwest Company Founded
Constitutional act of 1791
its an act of the parliment of great Britain -
Red River Settlement founded
end of the war of 1812
Union Act
Responsible government created
Charlottetown Conference
representitives from NB, NS, and PEI met to discuss the possibility of a maritime Union. -
Canadian Confederation
with the rise of the USA as being a force to the South and with the opening and discovery of vast resources of midwest and western north america, britain wants a peice of the pot. -
Manitoba joins Canada
Date Louis Riel is exicuted d-day
Northwets rebellion
Asassassination of Franz Ferdinand
His wife Sophie was shot dead at Sarajevo( Capital and largest cirty Bosnia and Herzegovinia. -
Battle of Ypres II
It was the first time Germany used poison gas on a large scale on the Western Front in the First World War. -
Battle of Somme
it lasted from July 1st -November 18 1916. It tok place during the First World War. -
Treaty of versailles
Armistice Day( Rememberance Day)
It's also known as Rememberance Day. it was created on the year 1938. it was declared a national holiday because to remember hose members of the armed forces who were killed during a war. -
Start of World War II
Hitler's Suicide
Victory in Europe Day