
Canadian Timeline History

By austy
  • Champlain establishes Quebec City

    Champlain establishes Quebec City
    This was when the quebec people were united and the beginning of a united French people in Canada.
  • Acadians exiled

    Acadians exiled
    Acadians were exiled from acadia because they would not pick sides during the war between britain and France. This showed that the British soldiers did not trust the french.
  • The Conquest

    The Conquest
    British troops finally defeated France in the of plains Abraham claiming CAnada as there land.
  • First Nations are sovereign

    First Nations are sovereign
    The Royal Proclamation determines that First Nations are sovereign. This allows the FN to self govern. Giving the FN there rights.
  • The last member of the Beothuk tribe dies

    The last member of the Beothuk tribe dies
    When the europeans finally got to Canada the Beothuk tribe was a traduty. The europeans took all the fish and they all starved. this was the beginning of the mistreatment of the FN.
  • assimilation of the Francophone colonists

    assimilation of the Francophone colonists
    Lord Durham’s report encourages the assimilation of the Francophone colonists
  • The Riel Resistance

    The Riel Resistance
    This happened when the french man RIel fought for the right of the Metis and establishing Manitoba.
  • The Indian Act is first created

    The Indian Act is first created
    First Nations children were taken from there home and assimilated in residential schools. to this day it still affects the FN.
  • Chinese Head Tax

    Chinese Head Tax
    Chinese Head Tax discriminates against Chinese immigration. This was because they wanted a white Canada.
  • Manitoba school questions issue

    Manitoba school questions issue
    occurred late in the 19th century, involving publicly funded separate schools for Roman Catholics and Protestants. This was discriminating against the french.
  • Conscription crisis

    Conscription crisis
    During world war one Canada made a conscription. The french Canadians argued why are we fighting for the british empire even though we are french.
  • Japanese Canadians are interned during World War

    Japanese Canadians are interned during World War
    This shows that Canada does not trust other races and is still racist.
  • Canada adopts the maple leaf flag

    Canada adopts the maple leaf flag
    United Canada under one national symbol.
  • White Paper on Aboriginal Rights

    White Paper on Aboriginal Rights
    The paper read that the FN needed to be assimilated. Canada is still racist.
  • Canada becomes officially bilingual

    Canada becomes officially bilingual
    Canada accepts its french counterpart and past history.
  • Canada adopts multiculturalism

    Canada adopts  multiculturalism
    THis shows the Canada is a diverse country full many cultures and canada is accepting this.
  • Bill 101 is passed

    Bill 101 is passed
    This bill protects the French league and traditions in Quebec but the anglophones are getting shafted.
  • NEP is implemented

    NEP is implemented
    (National energy program) Alienated Alberta and showed the Canada does not care about Alberta.
  • Quebec refuses to sign the constitution

    Quebec refuses to sign the constitution
    Quebec was worried about losing their voice in the government.
  • RCMP uniform is allowing Turbans

    RCMP uniform is allowing Turbans
    Supreme Court determines that turbans can be worn with the RCMP uniform – reasonable accommodation
  • The Oka Crisis

    The Oka Crisis
    The FN of Quebec fought against their land being ripped up and turned into a golf course. The FN were successful and gained more recognition in Canada.
  • Quebec trying to leave Canada

    Quebec trying to leave Canada
    The second separatist referendum in Quebec (result 50.6%-49.4%)
    showing that Quebec was almost a separate nation then Quebec.
  • Canada apologizes for Residential Schools

    Canada apologizes for Residential Schools
    Shows Canada is not racist anymore and is trying to fix the mistakes they made in the past.