Canadian Timeline 1914-1929

By anton09
  • The Start of World War I

    The Start of World War I
    (+1) (Social) (Economic) When Britain was at war, Canada was also at war automatically and issued an ultimatum on Canada which would later lead Canada to enter the First World War. This created many new jobs for Canadians and was additionally sought as a potential economic gain for Canada and also was a great opportunity to prove their worth and allegiance to Britain. This was somewhat a progressive moment for Canda to try and benefit from harsher times.
  • The End of World War I

    The End of World War I
    (+1) (Social)(Political) As Canada and the Triple Entente emerge victorious, Canada experiences many positive and negative changes within the country. Despite being $2 Billion in debt, Canada as a country became more united everyone during and after the war and British Prime Minister Sir Robert Borden also demanded that Great Britain recognize Canada’s wartime sacrifices with greater post-war autonomy which was a huge victory for Canada. The end of the war proved to shape Canada's future.
  • Spanish Flu Outbreak

    Spanish Flu Outbreak
    (-2) (Social) Celebrations of the end of World War I were short-lived due to the outbreak of the Spanish Flu in Europe. It is thought that men coming home from the frontlines of World War I brought the flu from Europe into Canada. The pandemic lasted until late 1920 and killed over 55,000 Canadians (Mostly young men) and had disastrous effects. Many people died and the flu also had brought a huge economic downfall in Canada and around the world.
  • Winnipeg General Strike

    Winnipeg General Strike
    (+1) (Social) The Winnipeg general strike of 1919 was one of the most famous and influential strikes in Canadian history. Over 30,000 Winnipegean strikers were fighting for better work treatment and against the high cost of living. In the short term, the Winnipeg General Strike did not achieve gains for workers after Mountie police charged protesters. I believe that this was somewhat of a progressive moment in history due to the formation of labour groups protecting workers' rights.
  • The League Of Indians

    The League Of Indians
    (+1) (Political) (Social) The Leauge Of Indians was an Aboriginal rights group formed in 1919 by Frederick Loft, an Aboriginal veteran from World War 1. They believed it would help Aboriginal people gain legal equality with the rest of Canadians when the war was over as they played a big role in the war as snipers. The formation was progressive for Canada in my opinion as Canada and it's minority groups were starting to stand up for themselves and for what they believed in.
  • Women Suffrage In Canada

    Women Suffrage In Canada
    (+2)(Social)(Political)The women's right to vote in Canada was long disputed until all women in Canada could vote in the year 1920. I believe that this was a great moment in Canadian history as the women's suffrage movement started in 1898 and was a long and hard-fought cause as it ended in 1920 as they were finally eligible to vote. Another reason is that it had acted as a stepping stone for other countries to do the same as Canada as they were one of the first countries to allow women to vote.
  • Discovery Of Insulin

    Discovery Of Insulin
    (+2) (Social) In January of 1922, Insulin was discovered by Sir Frederick G Banting who is a researcher at the University of Toronto. This was a very progressive moment in Canadian history due to the fact that the Canadian researcher had found a solution for diabetes which lowers blood sugar and has saved thousands of lives in Canada and around the world. If it weren't for Fredrick Banting, many people today and in the past would not have care/medicine for this disease.
  • Royal Canadian Air Force

    Royal Canadian Air Force
    (+1) (Social) After World War I, many Canadian pilots who had returned from the war were anxious to continue flying, and with that, the Royal Canadian Air Force was created in the spring of 1924. Some duties of the air force were: conducted surveys, patrolled for forest fires, watched for smuggling along Canada's coasts and checked on fishing boats. This was quite a progressive moment in history, as Canada was joining the list of superpower countries that had an existing air force.
  • The Kyng-Byng Crisis

    The Kyng-Byng Crisis
    (0) (Political) The Kyng-Byng crisis was a Canadian political crisis that occurred in 1926. the Governor-General of Canada refused a request by prime minister William Lyon Mackenzie King, to dissolve parliament and call a general election. This was significant in Candian history as it shows how much Canada wanted to be independent from Britain in the mid-20s. King was willing to make changes in the government so they can have more control over their nation much rather than Britain.
  • Black Tuesday

    Black Tuesday
    (-2)(Economical)Black Tuesday was a stock market crash that impacted Canada and the USA. This event is very significant and resembles the start of the great depression of the 1930s. Many people in the 1920s wanted to get rich by playing with stocks and would buy a large number of stocks when they were cheap & then sold it when the price was high. However, in this case, many of these people lost great amounts of money the next day as the market dramatically crashed due to share prices collapsing.