Jan 1, 1497
John Cabot sails and clams Newfoundland in the name of Britian
Jan 1, 1535
Jacques Cartier finds St. Lawrence
Canada get a royal charter from New France
A royal charter is a formal document issued by a monarch as letters patent, granting a right or power to an individual or a body corporate. http://www.historymuseum.ca/virtual-museum-of-new-france/colonies-and-empires/founding-sites/ -
The British government grants charter to the Hudsons Bay Company
A charter is the grant of authority or rights. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Hudsons_Bay_Company_Flag.svg -
British begin neogtiating with the First Nations
North West Company is created
The HBC and the NWC combind
HBC - The Hudson Bay Company
NWC - The North West Company http://firstpeoplesofcanada.com/fp_metis/fp_metis1.html -
Hudsons Bay monoploly fianlly ends in Ruperts Land.
Metis uprisings begjn.
The Metis people where lead by Louis Reil, uprose against Canada and it's unjust treatment toeards the Metis peoples. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Metisprisoners.jpg -
The Northwest Resistance begins
1885 embraked the unsuccessful uproar against the goverment by the Metis in Western Canada. Also lead to Louis Riel to hang himself. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:The_Capture_of_Batoche.jpg -
People from other conturies where coming to Canada
This was a huge impact to Canada, this has resulted to having people who spoke both English and French. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/irene-s-levine/10-reasons-why-people-fal_b_3721022.html