canadian Pacfic Railroad By Ashton and Charlie

  • John A. Macdonld and The CPR

    MacDonald made the idea of a railroad that ran from Quebec to British Colombia
  • Pacific Scandal

    There was two transit company Sir Hugan Allan and there was David Lewis Macpherson’s inter oceanic railway company. In order to get the railway contract there was going to vote. But Allen decided to give Macdonald $350 000 for his campaign in return Allan would get the Contract for the railway.
  • The Libral and Alexander Mackenzie

    After the scandal Mackenzie became the prime minster but he didn't see the same views as MacDonald, he thought the railroad was a waste of time and money.
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    The battle of the routes

    The routes for the railway's journeys thought mountains then British Colombia became an issues because it's not a part of Canada.
  • CPR syndicate

    after the scandal MacDonald and Allan was looking for new inventors for the railroad they got Donald smith a member from the Hudson's bay, George Stephen the president of the bank of Montreal, and James J. Hill and offered large sum amount of money and land in exchange for them building the railway.
  • The Change of the Routes

    After the CPR syndicate took over the construction they change the route to make it much further going south.
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    The Workers

    The works played a big part in building the railway. 35 000 men were employed to work on the railway, most of them being Chinese.
  • William Van Horne

    After construction of the first 230 km of the CPR were completed, the syndicate knew they needed a leader with expertise and drive . William Van Horne was perfect pick for that job
  • Northwest Rebillion

    The northwest rebellion broke out with Louis Riel, Gabriel Dumont, and The Metis complaining to the government of Canada about their rights.
  • The railway is completed

    The rail line connecting the country of Canada was finally completed, after 5 years.