Canadian Military History

  • Suez Canal

    Suez Canal
    A man made water way that connects the Red Sea and gulf of Suez to the mediteranian sea
  • Period: to

    Canadian Military History

  • Cyprus

    Greece wanted the island so they attacked. The Greeks did this with the help of Turkey. The UN placed troops to defend it with only 3 Canadian deaths.
    - Canada's longest lasting over-seas commitment
    -More than 25,000 Canadians sent
    - A small island just over 8,000 km
  • Cambodia War

    Cambodia War
    Canada went to help a Civil war that went on in Cambodia. Canada stayed there from 1954-2000 to help rebuild.
    - A lot of poverty
    - 14 million people in Cambodia
  • Gulf War

    Gulf War
    Iraq invaded Kuwait for money they owed so America led a attack to push them back into Iraq
    - 147 allied troops died
    - Iraq troops set fire to 500 oil wells before leaving
  • Yogoslavia

    Yogoslavia had a civil war so the UN sent troops to help
    - 140,000 people died
    - All battles were complex
  • Afganistan Terrorists

    Afganistan Terrorists
    Canadian troops sent to keep peace and remove terrorists
    - 158 canadian troops died
    - Taliban leader killed
  • Haiti Earthquake

    Haiti Earthquake
    An earthquake hit haiti in 2010 causing a devastation to millions
    - 8 million people live in haiti
    - english and french speaking
    - more than 750 Canadian troops sent