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Canadian inventions
Instant Replay
Hockey night in Canada was the first television station to use instant replay -
fernand lachance invented poutine. made up of fries cheese and gravy. I believe it is important because it is a truly Canadian food and all canadians know ,there is not a lot of truly Canadian foods. -
Retractable Beer Carton Handle
Steve Pasjack was the inventer of the Retractable Beer Carton Handle. inventing this made it easier to cvarry more beer at once and aslo to make it easier to carry beer inn general. -
Crash Position Intdicator
Harry Stevinson invented the crashy position indixcator to help fiund planes. this was invented because when planes crash it is like trying to finde a neelde in a hay stack. placing a crash postion indicator on an aircraft hepls narrow down and/or find the location of the aircraft -
Goalie Mask
Jacques Plante was the first goalie to invent a goalie mask. it was inventred because goalies always got hit in the face by the puck. So this smart person inventyed something to protect his face so it didnt hurt as much when the puck made cfontact with his face. this led to minimal brocken noses,a lot less stitches, bruses, cuncussions, adn goalies kept more of their teeth. -
Graeme Ferguson came up with the idea of imax. Imax is a theater in which people can come watch movies or shows for a small fee. people enjoy themselves by laughing, screaming and watching a movie in their interest -
Explosives Vapour Detcctor
invented by Lorne Elias. what is it? it is a device for monitoring air quality, usually within a building, to warn against the build-up of explosive gases. Gases such as propane, methane, or gasoline vapour. -
Blackberry is a mobile communication device. Blackberry revolutionized communtication throughout the world. blackberry consentrates mainly on business in the way of cellular devices through e-mail,text, and other instant messeging and communication