Creation Of Immigration Categories
This was the first immigration act which allows foreigners to settle in Western Canada. This act also ensured the saftey of immigrants during their passage to Canada. Immigrants were coming in ships that were way to over crowded. -
Chinese Head Tax
Chinese people had to pay $50 (later raised to $100, then $500) in order to come to Canada. When the Chinese Head Tax was removed by the Chinese Immigration Act, Chinese Immigration was banned until 1947. This Head Tax was the first in Canada's history to exclude immigration. -
Komagata Maru Incident
The Komagata Maru Incident involved the Japanese who attempted to immigrate to Canada in 1914 but was denied entry. The steamship called Komagata Maru carried 376 passengers from Hong Kong, The British Empire, Shanghai China, Yokohama Japan, to Vancouver, British Colombia Canada. There was 340 Sikhs -
Internment of Ukrainian Canadians
The internment of Ukrainian Canadians happened after years during World War One and ended two years after. This happened because Canada was at war with Austria-Hungary so 4,000 Ukrainian men, some women, and children were put into internment camps. The Ukrainian people were forced to do free labor across 24 different internment camps. -
Internment of Italian Canadians
The Internment of Italian Canadians happened because Italy declared war on Canada. Because of this event, Italian Canadians were considered "Enemy Aliens" and all of the Italian Canadian men were send to Camp Petawawa. They were put in the camps because the Canadian Government thought that they were spies. -
Internment Of Japanese Canadians
In 1942, the Japanese attacked and bombed pearl harbor where Canadian troops were stationed. Because of this event, the Canadian Government decided to put all of the Japanese people in Canada into internment camps. Most of the camps where in British Colombia. -
Refugees Being Added as an Immigration Category
Canada acceded to the 1951 Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees and the 1967 Protocol. The occasion was barely noticed and went unreported in the media. This all happened 18 years after Canada was adopted by the United Nations -
Singh Decision
In 1976, Satnam Singh came to Canada from India seeking Refugee status. Canada's government had to reject this case because of the Immigration Act, 1976. Because of this, Canada established the Immigration and Refugee Board to provide quick and fair hearing and Canada's government provided peoples seeking refugee status with the necessities of life while they wait for a hearing. -
Immigration Act
This act focused on who should be allowed to come to Canada and not who should be kept out. The act was the first immigration act to clearly outline the fundamental objectives of the Canadian immigration Policy. Nearly all of the committee’s recommendations were accepted by the government. -
Immigration and Refugee Protection Act
The Canadian Government failed to implement a component of the legislation that would have implemented a Refugee Appeal Division as part of Canada's immigration system. The Immigration and Refugee Protection Act created a high-level framework dealing with the goals and guidelines that the Canadian Government has sent. It also contains laws that created to fit.