Jul 24, 1534
Discovery of Canada
Jacques Cartier discover the eastern coast of Canada. This is important for french culture because they were the ones who found Canada. It is rooted in our history that the French have been on the land just as much as the english. -
Treaty of Utreacht
The treaty of utreacht was signed by both Britain and France and part of the agreement gave what is East Coast Canada today to Britain. This is important to our Canadian identity because it shows the conflict between the english and the french. The French had made a mistake by giving away part of Canada and it is one of the reasons English is a majority in Canada. -
1755 Acadians Expelled
was the removal of Acadian people (French colonists) in the Maritime provinces such as Nova Scotia, New Brunswick. Ocurred throughout the seven years wars as well. This was an important part because it's taught us that many people get affected when you try to take over a culture. -
Battle of the plains of Abraham
is an important battle in the seven years war,also known as the French and Indian war, the battle of the plains of abraham resulted in the overtaking of quebec and new france by the British. This was important for Canada in general because it was a pivotal battle in which Britain could control the new lands of the west. -
Royal Proclaimation
the proclamation sent out by king george III declared where europeans could settle in North America and where the aborignals were allowed. This was important in Canadian history because it helped develop new land but also was the start of the exploitation of the First Nations. -
Lord Durham Report
the report was made to investigate the rebellions of 1837 in upper and lower Canada which had the intentions of reforming Canada into one single colony but also recommended assimilating the french. This was Important in a good/bad way because it made changes for the better in Canada but also disriminated against the French -
Indian Act
the indian act gave aboriginals “registered status” in Canada and told them how they could run things on the reserve. This was an important moment because nowadays we find this unnacceptable and we look back at all the assimilation attempts and try to reconcile everything. -
Chinese Head Tax
since the influx of chinese immigrants due to the building of the railroad, other chinese immigrants were taxed to maintain the amount of people immigrating to Canada. This was an important moment because it taught us that we need to embrace multiculturalism and cultural diversity. -
Manitoba Question
manitoba schools question was a crisis that occured when people found out that separate schools (private school) were being publicly funded for Roman Catholics and Protestants. It was important to modern day because it taught us to stand up against corruption. -
Lubicon Cree Land Disputes
A government party gave permission to build oil refineries and futher develop natural resource collection on the Lubicons land. In modern day, the UN has claimed that Canada has violated rights put in place. This is an important moment because it shows how there are still wrongdoings in Canada and that we aren't perfect. -
conscription into the war was controversial and many disagree that man should be forced into war. This was important because it teaches us that patriotism doesn't mean you have to fight for your country in a war, you could show your support elsewhere such as contributing to the economy. -
RCMP are Formed
The Royal Northwest Mounted Police merged together with the Dominion Police. This shows how connected and open we are to connect in order to better our country. The RCMP has become a National symbol/Icon. -
Right of voting given to Aboriginals
Legal rights are given to First Nations peoples and allows freedom of choice of government. This shows the gradual realization of how unfair we treat the people in our country. It is in our Canadian Identity to make sure everyone should be treated fairly and that we should accept diverse and different cultures. -
White Paper Aboriginals
was set out to abolish the indian act and to eliminate “Indian” as a legal status in Canada. This was very important because it was a step towards giving equality to Aborignal people and recocilling for the assimilation attempts. -
French Charter/ Bill 101
is a law passed in Quebec that defines the official language as French and shapes their language rights. This is important because it helps affirm some of the French Canadiens culture as well as assures them a spot in Canadian culture. -
Period: to
was a policy implemented to broaden the ownership of the oil industry in Canada and to redistribute the wealth that “oil” provinces made. This was because of the high prices of oil in the 80s. This was important to Canada because it shows that we care about all the provinces instead of only caring individually. It also benefitted Canada's economy. -
Quebec Refuses to sign Constitution
the constitution act aimed at giving Canada sovereignty from the British which was not signed by quebec. The meech lake and charlottetown accords were both targeted towards getting their approval. This was important because it shows how the French weren't being informed and almost forced to agree to something they didn't agree with. They stood up against corruption. -
Multiculturalism Act
is a policy that Canada adopted to celebrate and affirm our diverse culture. This was really important because it was a step in a more culturally diverse society which helps in developing new ideas and learn new customs. -
Turbans allowed with RCMP Uniform
the supreme court determined that it was reasonable to allow the turban to be worn in a RCMP uniform and was a controversy created by Baltej Singh Dhillon. This was important to Canada because it shows our diverse nature and how we are willing to accept parts of other cultures into our life. -
Oka Crisis
the Oka crisis was a conflict over land between the mohawk people and the town of Oka. The mohawk learned that Oka was planning on expanding a golf course onto their land and so tensions rose between the two. This was important because it shows how careless Canadians are towards the Aborignal peoples and how we need to focus on correcting our mistakes. -
Second Referendum of Quebec
The referendum was called amongst the people of Quebec and asked the question whether to separate or stay connected to Canada. The polls were close and ended up being ~50% saying no and ~49% saying yes. This was important because it shows how we need to make more of an effort to include French Canadiens in our culture and how they're thinking of separating. -
Apology for Residential School
Stephen Harper, in parliament, announces on behalf of Canadians, an apology for residential schooling for the First Nations. Residential schools were built in order to assimilate the aboriginals into Canadian cultures. This is important because it shows that we recognize we have made mistakes in the past and that we need to improve our morality and reasess our values. -
Bill C-51
Bill C-51 was the bill passed by the government in order to bump up security measures after ISIS attacks occured. It gives the police more access to citizens/Canadians. I think this was an important moment that shaped Canadian Identity because it shows how fast our government can react to certain situations. It shows that we can react to tough situations quick. There was always a quick reactions from all Canadians who thought that it was a bad bill because of more power for the government.