Period: to
canadian history timeline
Period: to
fur trade in canada
The fur trade began as a way for the fishing indistry to make extra money.Drying there fishj on land took a long time in which they had to keep a good relationship with the natives,who were exited to resieve goods from the Europeans sutch as knives,axes,kettles,blanketes and trinkets .But all they had to give back were furs and meat .Then the Europeans found an eager market i europe for furs and made a high profit. -
first railway charter
Incorpration of the champlain and st.Lawerence railway to biuld from Dorchester now st-Jean to a point on the st.Lawerence that is near Lampire.Thiswas the first railway charter. -
oldest railway charter of canadian pacific constitute
Incorparation by the legelator of Newbrunswick of the st.Andrews and Qebec railway compainy to build from st.Andrews to lower canada.This is th oldest railway charter of canaidian pacific constatute. -
The British North Amarican Act of 1867
The British North Amarican Aogether of canadact Of 1867 wasthe coming together of canada.It broght all the colonies together to make the contrie we now call canada. -
new brunswick onfederation
new brunswick joined confederation -
Nova Scotia confederation
When Nova Scotia joined confederation -
Ontario confedraition
When Ontario joined confederation -
Quebec confederation
When Quebec joined confederation -
Manitoba confederation
When Manitoba joined confederation -
Northwest Territories confederation
When the Northwest Territoreis joined confederation -
B.C confederation
when B.C joined confederation -
Prince Edward Island confederation
When Prince Edward Island joined confederation -
Period: to
the gold rush
The klondike gold rush was started by in august 16 1896 in Rabit creek bygorge carmack .He was cleaning a pan in the creek so they could cook fish to eat and when he lifted it out of the water ther was gold in it .The gold rush lasted until july 1 1898. -
Yukon confederation
When the Yukon joined confederation -
Alberta confederation
When Alberta joined confederation -
Sasctuwan confederation
When Sascactuwan joined confederation -
Newfoundland confederation
Newfoundland joined confederation -
constitution act of 1982
The constitution act of 1982 of the canada act 1982 is apart of the constitution of canada.The act was introduced as a part of canadas prosses of patriating.The constitution introducing several ameplments to the british north amarican act of 1867 and changing the later name to the constitution act of 1867.Elizibeth 11 as the queen of canada at that time brought the act into effect with a proclamanation she signed in otawa on april 17 1982. -
Nunavut confederation
Nunavut joined confederation