Canadian History (grade 5)

  • 1 BCE

    Indigenous Peoples occupy Turtle Island

    First Nations and Inuit were here first on Turtle Island, followed by the Métis. Everyday we acknowledge that it is the First Nations, Inuit, and Métis people who traditionally occupy this land and share it with us. Indigenous values, although diverse, remind us we are all connected to this land. We do not own it; we depend upon it.
  • 1492

    Exploration of the Americas

    Curiosity and a search for resources led Europeans to travel and explore far away from their own land. At each new place, they claimed ownership and tried to take charge, assuming the Indigenous people did not have say.
  • Period: 1500 to

    England, France and Spain try to prove their power

    England, France, and Spain were 3 powerful countries who arrived at Turtle Island and fought over who would get the 'gold' and other resources there, in order to make their own countries more rich and powerful.
  • Period: 1500 to

    Glory, God & Gain

    Countries and individual explorers came for three big reasons - god, glory, and gain. Glory means they wanted to prove their power and be famous and better than others. Europeans believed it was their duty to God to make everyone believe in the same religion as them. Others did it for the money (gain) - countries took resources and kept the cash and men went on these dangerous trips with the hope that they could be richer in a new land.
  • Period: to

    Fur Trade

    This land had lots of animals with valuable fur. It also had a lot of fish in the ocean. These were the two big resources that Europeans wants, traded with Indigenous people for, and fought over the right to control.
  • New France

    Samuel de Champlain from France founds New France in present day Québec. French men come to New France to farm land and attempt to settle in the area - life of an habitant.
  • Period: to

    Residential Schools

    Indigenous Peoples of Canada are forced leave their homes to attend schools run by the church and government. These schools were meant to change Indigenous peoples and remove their culture.