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Canadian history

  • canada declares war on Germany

    canada declares war on Germany
    Canada declared war on Germany, 7 days after Britain and France.
  • Japanese Relocation

    Japanese Relocation
    The federal government announced that all people of Japanese origin living in the coastal regions of British Columbia would be relocated to the BC interior or inland farming areas.
  • Normandy landings D day

    Normandy landings D day
    The 3rd Canadian Division and 2nd and 3rd Armoured Brigades landed on the beaches at Courcelles, St Aubin and Bernières-sur-Mer on the Normandy Coast as part of the invasions that led to the liberation of Europe from Nazi occupation.
  • the Korean war

    the Korean war
    Canada was in the Korean war because Canadians participated on the side of the United Nations.
  • the Cuban missile crisis

    the Cuban missile crisis
    the cuban missile crisis was scary because Cuba or the Soviet Union could off send a missile too amaica and Canada, which means United States and Canada were under a threat.
  • Canada gets its own flag

    Canada gets its own flag
    The Canadian Flag is result of the contribution of many, extending over a century. The process of choosing the design, was a long one that stirred national debate.
  • the October crisis

    the October crisis
    the reason why the October crisis happened because the Members of the Front de libération du Québec kidnapped the provincial Deputy Premier Pierre Laporte and British diplomat James Cross. this happened in mainly in the Montreal metropolitan area.
  • constitution is patriated

    constitution is patriated
    Partition was subsequently confirmed by Canada's Constitution Act, 1982 which was signed by then Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau and by Elizabeth II.
  • Meech lake accord

    Meech lake accord
    In 1987 the Progressive Conservative government of Prime Minister Brian Mulroney attempted to win Québec's consent to the revised Canadian Constitution.
  • the Hubble Space Telescope

    the Hubble Space Telescope
    On day 2 of the six-day mission STS-31, the Hubble Space Telescope, the first of NASA's Great Observatories, is deployed out of Discovery's cargo bay, with the help of Canadarm. Five Canadian university teams gain access to observation time on the space telescope.
  • Canadian Space Agency

    Canadian Space Agency
    On December 14 1990 the Canadian Space Agency Act is passed by the Government of Canada.
  • the first women to become the prime minister

    the first women to become the prime minister
    Kim Campbell replaces the unpopular politician Brian Mulroney to become Canada’s first female Prime Minister. In an election later that year her party loses all but 2 seats in a Jean Chretién election victory.
  • Canada legalize gay marriage

    Canada legalize gay marriage
    Canada became the first country outside Europe and the fourth country in the world to legalize same-sex marriage.
  • Canada legalize weed

    Canada legalize weed
    on that day weed was legalize and now it is across Canada