In lower Canada, a battle was being waged between the Assembly controlled by the Patriot
party, led by Louis-Joseph Papineau, and the British minority that controlled the Executive Council and the Legislative Council. -
In the spring of 1864, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and Prince Edward Island were contemplating the possibility of Maritime Union.
Resolutions had been passed in their legislatures to appoint delegates to a conference on the matter, but no further plans were made until the Provence of Canada heard of the proposed conference. -
Canadian agriculture has experienced a markedly distinct evolution in each region of the country. A varied climate and geography have been largely responsible, but, in addition each region was settled at a different period in Canada's economic and political development. -
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On April 1, 1999, Nunavut separated from the Northwest Territories to become the newest Canadian territory. -
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The Co-operative Commonwealth Federation (CCF) was founded in Calgary in 1932 as a political coalition of progressive, socialist and labour groups that wanted economic reform, to help Canadians affected by the Great Depression.