
Canadian Expansion

  • Non-Official Confederation of Canada

    Non-Official Confederation of Canada
    Canada is organized on paper as its own country; uniting Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Canada West, and Canada East. Left: A picture of the Fathers of Confederation.
  • Official Confederation of Canada

    Official Confederation of Canada
    The Queen of England sets this date to be the day that Canada calls itself its own country. Three months earlier Canada was non-officially signed over by the Queen. Left: A picture of the celebrations of Canadians on July 1, 1867.
  • Thomas D'Arcy McGee is Assassinated

    Thomas D'Arcy McGee is Assassinated
    Thomas McGee, an important figure in the confederation is assassinated. He was supposedly assassinated by an anti-confederist named Patrick J. Whelan, who was later hanged. Left: A photograph of Thomas D'Arcy McGee.
  • Rupert's Land

    Rupert's Land
    On November 19, 1869, the Hudson's Bay Company sold most of Rupert's Land to the new Canadian Government. The company kept a portion of Rupert's Land, one twentieth of the best farmland and sold the rest for $1.5 million. Left: A picture of Rupert's land as a whole. They include the lands that were retained by the British.
  • Rupert's Land (2)

    Rupert's Land (2)
    Canada was supposed to officially take control of Rupert's Land on this date was set back due to the Northwest Rebellion. Left: A photograph of Louis Riel. The life behind the Northwest Rebellion.
  • Rupert's Land (3)

    Rupert's Land (3)
    Canada finally officiall takes control of Rupert's Land on this date. Most of Rupert's Land that was attained was used to make up the extremely large Northwest Territories. Also soon it was to make up Alberta and Saskatchewan. Left: A picture of Canada in 1870.
  • Prince Edward Island avoids Annexation by United States

    Prince Edward Island avoids Annexation by United States
    After the accumulation of their huge debt by attempting to build a railway, Prince Edward Island sees no other way other then to confederate. Therefore they begin negotiations with the United States in 1871. Left: A map of the United States in 1871.
  • Confederation of British Columbia

    Confederation of British Columbia
    British Columbia becomes the sixth province to confederate under Canada. British Columbia confederates because:
    1) They fear annexation by the United States
    2) To deal with their overwhelming debt.
    3) The end of the Gold Rush
    4) Also the construction of a cross Canada railway. Left: A picture of Canada in 1871. Notice how British Columbia at the same relative size as it is today. The boarder dispute would cost British Columbia some land in 1903.
  • Provisional Districts

    Provisional Districts
    During 1872 through to 1875 the provisional districts of Saskatchewan, Alberta, Athabasca, and Assinaboia are created from the Northwest Territories. These boundaries would later be used as a base to the boundaries of Saskatchewan and Alberta we see today. Left: A map of the provisional districts of western Canada in 1872.
  • Confederation of Prince Edward Island

    Confederation of Prince Edward Island
    After Prince Edward Island attempted negotiations with the United States, Macdonald attempts once more to confederate them. He promises the assuming of debt from the absentee landlords and the debt of producing an internal railway. Prince Edward Island agrees and confederates on this date. Left: A picture of Prince Edward Island and it's plans for it's own railway.
  • Arctic Islands

    Arctic Islands
    On this date the United Kingdom hands over control of the Arctic Islands to Canada. These new islands would soon become a part of the District of Franklin in the Northwest Territories. Left: A map showing the vast size of the District of Franklin with the addition of the Arctic Islands.
  • Canadian Pacific Railway Completed

    Canadian Pacific Railway Completed
    The CPR is completed in Craigellachie, British Columbia. The completion of this railway that ran from Eastern Canada to British Columbia. This completed the promise that Sir John A. Macdonald made to British Columbia of a railway connecting them to the east. Left: A photograph of Donald Smith, a.k.a. Lord Strathcona, driving the final stake of the Canadian Pacific Railway.
  • C&E Railway

    C&E Railway
    A railroad line is constructed between Calgary and Edmonton by the Calgary & Edmonton Railway Company. The railroad stopped on the opposite side of the Saskatchewan River. A city would soon be established here called Strathcona. Edmonton would later expand and include Strathcona. Left: A photograph of a construction train arriving in Strathcona.
  • Strong Population

    Strong Population
    Canada finally establishes success in the west and starts to rapidly grow in population. In 1891 Canada has a population of 4.8 million. Left: A picture of a C.P.R. Depot in Regina, Saskatchewan.
  • Northwest Territory Districts

    Northwest Territory Districts
    In 1895 the Northwest Territories are again broken down into more districts: Franklin, Ungava, and Mackenzie. Left: A map of the divisions of the Northwest Territories. The land North of Saskatchewan is Mackenzie and the land North of Quebec is Ungava. The furthest North territory by Baffin Island is Franklin.
  • Period: to

    Canada a Success

    In this timespan Canada has the fastest growing economy in the world.
  • Period: to

    Klondike Gold Rush

    The Gold Rush of the Yukon begins in Bonanza (Rabbit) Creek after the Skookum Party discovered large deposits of gold. After large amounts of mining the Gold Rush eventually came to an end when gold was eventually discovered in Nome, Alaska.
  • Northwest Territory Troubles

    Northwest Territory Troubles
    Northwest Territories could not afford the schooling and the cost of public work which the federal government expected them to pay. Seeing that provincial status would fulfill these expense needs, Premier F.W.G. Haultain demanded self government. During the months of 1901 he met with Prime Minister Laurier for negotiations. Left: A Photograph of F.W.G. Haultain.
  • Creation of a Province

    Creation of a Province
    A bill was drawn up and presented to Laurier by Haultain and Ross. The bill proposed the union of the four districts of Alberta, Assiniboia, Athabasca, and Saskatchewan into one province called Buffalo. The Province would have the same powers and responsibilities as the other provinces of Canada and would be represented by 10 members of parliment and 4 senates. Left: A map of the four districts were to become the new province of Buffalo.
  • British Columbia Boundary Dispute

    British Columbia Boundary Dispute
    The United States purchased Alaska in 1867 from Russia. The United States and Canada had argued over the boarders of Alaska and B.C. It was finally resolved in 1903 when three Americans (Henry Cabot Lodge, Elihu Root and George Turner), two Canadians (Sir Louis Jet and Allan B. Aylesworth) and Lord Alverstone, an English representative were put in a panal to resolve this issue. It took three weeks in discussion until they finally established that the American's would win this dispute.
  • Wilfred Laurier Re-Elected

    Wilfred Laurier Re-Elected
    On this date Wilfred Laurier is reelected as Prime Minister. This is important because this cemented the creation of Alberta and Saskatchewan as provinces he which he previously promised in his first term as Prime Minister. Left: A photograph of Wilfred Laurier during his campaign in 1904.
  • Confederation of Saskatchewan and Alberta

    Confederation of Saskatchewan and Alberta
    Alberta and Saskatchewan each become a province of Canada after Laurier made promises to do so. After he got reelected he resumed negotiations. Each province would be represented by ten members in parliment and four senators. Left: A map of provinces and territories of Canada in 1905.