Canadian Events of 2003

  • Avalanche

    Avalanche kills eight skiers in eastern British Columbia
  • Health Canada

    Health Canada announces 17 suspected SARS cases in Canada
  • Holly Jones

    Holly Jones, a ten-year-old girl, disappears in Toronto; parts of her body are later found floating in Lake Ontario
  • Space Telecope

    Canada's first space telecope is launched.
  • Olympic Winter Games

    The International Olympic Committee awards the 21st Olympic Winter Games to Vancouver
  • Beef Ban

    The United States eases its ban on Canadian beef
  • United Church of Canada

    The United Church of Canada votes to approve same-sex marriages
  • Colin Thatcher

    After serving 19 years of his 25-to-life sentence, a jury finds Colin Thatcher eligible to apply for early parole
  • SARS

    Canada offers Ontario $330 million in relief of the past summer's SARS virus impact
  • Paul Martin

    Paul Martin is sworn in as Canada's 21st Prime Minister