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Canadian Confederation History SS10

By grant.m
  • Rebellions of 1837

    Rebellions of 1837
    The Rebellions occured when the citizens of the British colonies displeased with the colonial system of social classes and rotten goverment. It sparked in Lower Canada when a group of Patriotes chose to resist arrest. The rebellions in lower Canada were led by Louis-Joseph Papineau. The situation in upper Canada were not as sucessful, and only managed to last less then a month. Upper Canada rebellions were led by William Lyon Mackenzie.
  • Act Of Union

    Act Of Union
    Act of Union was one of the three suggestions issued in Lord Durhams Report. Lord Durham suggested to join Upper and Lower Canada, to give Canada a responsible goverment, and lastly make English the official language. All but one of the suggestions were acepted exept the reponsible goverment was not. Durham wanted ton join upper and Lower Canada to erase French culture.
  • Responsible Goverment

    Responsible Goverment
    In 1846 Britian appopinted Lord Elgin, as govenor general of Canada. His goal was to make responsible goverment a reality. Lord Elgin set out to make Canada a semi-independant Goverment, by introducing enough demecracy that the citizens what not be drawn into a revolution.
  • Rebellion Losses Bill

    Rebellion Losses Bill
    The Rebellion losses bill was a bill that gave compensation for damages done in the rebellions. Even the rebels them selves. This outraged english speaking citizens in montreal and caused a mob attack that threw stones and eggs at his carriage.. After two days of vilence the mob set the parliment buildings on fire and they burnt to the ground.
  • Period: to

    Charlottetown Confrence

    Originally a proposal to discuss a maritime union. However, Canada asked if the could also attend ther meeting. Canada proposed a even larger scale of union.
  • Period: to

    Quebec Confrence

    It was the second confrence leading to the union of Canada. They discussed all the details about how confederation will work and what they will say when they go to Britain. Three martime colonies attended along with Newfoundland.
  • Period: to

    London Confrence

    Newbrunswick, Nova Scotia, and Canada all attended the confrence. Here Macdonald and the rest fine tuned there bill to present to the British goverment.One of the accelerants of the process was the american civil war's impact
  • Canada becomes a dominion

    Canada becomes a dominion
    Todays the day canada becomes a country it now haves been 146 years now
  • Ontario joins Confederation

    Ontario joins Confederation
    Creation of the Province Of Ontario. One of the original provinces
  • Quebec joins confederation

    Quebec joins confederation
    Creation of the Province Of Quebec.One of the original Provinces
  • New Brunswick joins confederation

    New Brunswick joins confederation
    Creation of New Brunswick. One of the original provinces
  • Nova Scotia joins confederation

    Nova Scotia joins confederation
    Creation of the Province Of Nova Scotia. One of the original provinces
  • Sir John.A.Macdonald Elected

    Sir John.A.Macdonald Elected
    John A Macdonald forms cabinet and wins first election
  • Manitoba joins confederation

    Manitoba joins confederation
    Creation of the Province Of Manitoba.Manitoba joined so it could keep the support of federal goverment and have acess to help it thrive.
  • British Columbia joins Confederation

    British Columbia joins Confederation
    Creation of the Province Of British Columbia. BC joins confederation because Canada had avision of a country sea to sea,didnt want BC joining the U.S,Extension of the CPRand it take on all of the colony's debt
  • Prince Edward Island joins confederation

    Prince Edward Island joins confederation
    Creation of the Province Of Prince Edward Island.The reason PEI joined was to get out of its financial problems
  • Liberals win general election

    Liberals win general election
    The liberals under Alexander Mackenzie win the general election over conservatives. This introduces the voting by ballot.
  • Sir John A dies in office

    Sir John A dies in office
    Macdonald dies in office, succeeded by Sir John Abbott.
  • Yukon Joins confederation

    Yukon Joins confederation
    Creation of the Territory Of Yukon.It never really joined confederation It was created out of land to keep order during the the gold rush on Klondike.
  • Saskatchewan joins confederation

    Saskatchewan joins confederation
    Creation of the Province of Saskatchewan.It never really joined it was formed out of the Northwest Territories by the Canadian Goverment
  • Alberta joins confederation

    Alberta joins confederation
    Creation of the Province Of Alberta. It never really existed it was formed out of the Northwest Territories by the Canadian goverment
  • Newfoundland joins confederation

    Newfoundland joins confederation
    Creation of the Province Of Newfoundland.It joined to have it debt relived and because of British pressure to join the confederation because It feared a independent Newfoundland might escape to the U.S to escape its debt
  • Nunavut joins confederation

    Nunavut joins confederation
    Creation of the Territory of Nunavut.It was formed from the Northwest Territories to seperate offically the two aboriginal tribes
  • Northwest Territories joins confederation

    Northwest Territories joins confederation
    Creation of the Province Of the Northwest Territories.It joined because the HBC who owned the land sold it to the Canadian goverment