Map of canada

Canadian Confederation and Beyond

By Teggers
  • Period: to

    Canadian Confederation and Beyond

  • Lower Canadian Rebellion

    Lower Canadian Rebellion
    Armed conflict between Lower Canadian rebels and British soldiers over reform in canadian government
    -32 casualties
  • Upper Canadian Rebellion

    Upper Canadian Rebellion
    -Lead by Mackenzie and other radical leaders
    -Driven by want for American-style government and closer ties to the States
    -York was left defenceless, so Mackenzie planned to seize weapons and take the governor prisoner, and set up a new government,. Shortly after the battle began, the rebels fled.
  • Lord Durham's report on the affairs of British North America

    Lord Durham's report on the affairs of British North America
    Lord Durham is sent to the Canadas to investigate and report on the causes of the rebellions of 1837.
    He reccomended changes such as the unity of upper and lower Canada, and more immigration from Britain, in hopes of assimilating the French population into British culture.
  • United Province of Canada is formed (act of union)

    United Province of Canada is formed (act of union)
    The two colonies of Upper and Lower Canada are merged into the province of Canada under the act of union.
  • Act of Union

    Act of Union
    -Upper and Lower Canada unified as one province of Canada as suggested in Lord Durham's report
    -Montreal became capital of Canada
    -Lord Sydenham became governor
    -All government documents were to be in english, creating problems with the french
  • Rebellion losses bill in signed

    Rebellion losses bill in signed
    The rebellion losses bill is put into effect, which compensated for canadians who had lost property in the rebellions of 1837.
  • Colony of British Columbia is created

    Colony of British Columbia is created
  • Charlottetown conference held

    Charlottetown conference held
    A conference originally meant for the premiers of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and P.E.I. to discuss a union of their colonies. The three members of the great coalition, Macdonald, Brown, and Cartier joined to present their plans for confederation. They convinced the other members of the conference that confederation could work.
  • Quebec conference

    Quebec conference
    Conference about the discussion of Canadian confederation. It covered operation, powers, powers of the provinces, and protecting French language and culture.
    72 resolutions were produced, and a blueprint for canada.
  • American civil war ends

    American civil war ends
  • London conference

    London conference
    Canadian representatives gathered with British government officials to draft the British North America act.
  • Quebec province enters confederation

    Quebec province enters confederation
  • Ontario province enters confederation

    Ontario province enters confederation
  • Nova Scotia province enters confederation

    Nova Scotia province enters confederation
  • New Brunswick province enters confederation

    New Brunswick province enters confederation
  • Constitution act (Canada day)

    Constitution act (Canada day)
    The colonies of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and the province of Canada united into one country of Canada under the British North America act.
  • Manitoba province enters confederation

    Manitoba province enters confederation
  • Northwest Territories enter confederation

    Northwest Territories enter confederation
  • British Columbia province enters confederation

    British Columbia province enters confederation
  • Prince Edward Island province enters confederation

    Prince Edward Island province enters confederation
  • Yukon territory joins confederation

    Yukon territory joins confederation
  • Saskatchewan province enters confederation

    Saskatchewan province enters confederation
  • Alberta province enters confederation

    Alberta province enters confederation
  • Newfoundland province enters confederation

    Newfoundland province enters confederation
  • Nunavut Seperated From Northwest Territories

    Nunavut Seperated From Northwest Territories
    -Nunavut became a territory of it's own, with it's own government