
Canadian Confederation

  • Period: to

    Canadian Confedration

    Timeline Of Event And Confedration Leading Canadian Confedration
  • Reciprocity Treaty

    Reciprocity  Treaty
    -Britain signs Reciprocity Treaty with the U.S.A.
    -Actual date unknown.
  • The Great Coalition

    The Great Coalition
    -The Great Coalition included Upper Canada and Lower Canada.
    -Great Coalition was to stop political deadlock.
  • Cancellation of the Resiprocity Treaty

    • U.S.A ended treaty.
    • Actual date unknown
  • John A. MacDonald

    John A. MacDonald
    -In 1867 John A. MacDonald as elected the first Prime Minister of Canada.
    -Actual date unknown
  • 72 Resolutions

    72 Resolutions
    -The 72 resolutions were government laws made up by Upper and Lower Canada and the Meritimes.
  • London Conference

    London Conference
    -Was to present the 72 resolutions to Queen Victoria and British Monarchy. Queen announced domion of Canada.
  • Confederation Day

    Confederation Day
    -Federal dominion of Canada was formed July 1st,1867.
    -On that day 3 colonies beame 4 provinces. Quebec and Ontario,New Brunswick and Nova Scotia.
  • Charlettown Conference

    Charlettown Conference
    -Canada West and Canada East attended and convinced all of federal union.
    -Actual date between September 1-9.
  • Quebec Conference

    Quebec Conference
    Pro Confederation Anti Confederation
    -Canada East -Newfoundland
    -Canada West -Prince Edward Island

    -New Brunswick
    -Nova Scotia -Actual day unknown
  • Louis Riel was the leader of the Metis,Red River Rebellion

    Louis Riel was the leader of the Metis,Red River Rebellion
    -Louis Riel was the cause of the Red River Rebellion because he opposed of William McDougall and how the Canadian Government bought Ruperts Land.
    -Actual date unknown.
  • Canadian government buys Ruperts Land

    Canadian government buys Ruperts Land
    • They bought it from Hudson's Bay company,and appointed an English Govener,William McDougall.
  • Manitoba joins Canada

    Manitoba joins Canada
  • NorthWest Territories

    NorthWest Territories
  • British Columbia

    British Columbia
  • Pacific Scandal

    Pacific Scandal
    -Political Scandal in Canada involving allegations of bribes being accepted by members of the Conservative Government.
    -Actual date unknown
  • Death of George Etienne Cartier

    Death of George Etienne Cartier
    -He died of a throat infection
  • Prince Edward Island joins Canada

    Prince Edward Island joins Canada
    -The orginal terms of 1867 were unfavourbale.
  • Death of George Brown

    Death of George Brown
    -He died due to an assassination.
  • John A. MacDonald no longer Prime Minister

    John A. MacDonald no longer Prime Minister
    -John A. MacDonal was Prime minister from 1867-1886,but in 1873 he lost office for 5 years due to Pacific Scandal.
    -Actual date unknown
  • Death of John A.Macdonald

    Death of John A.Macdonald
    -Sir John A. Macdonal passed away in 1891 due to a heart failure,while still in office.
  • Yukon Territory joins

    Yukon Territory joins
  • Alberta joins

    Alberta joins
  • Saskatchewan joins confederation

    Saskatchewan joins confederation
  • Newfoundland and labrador joins Canada

    Newfoundland and labrador joins Canada
  • Nunavut joins confederation

    Nunavut joins confederation