Canadian autonomy

  • 1919 Paris Peace Conference and Treaty of Versailles

    1919 Paris Peace Conference and Treaty of Versailles
    -Borden represents Can at PPC
    -Created League of Nations where Can demanded to assert itself from GB
    -Can was an independent signatory on the Treaty of Versailles (Borden)
    This was the first time Can represented itself from GB
  • 1923 Chanak Crisis

    1923 Chanak Crisis
    • Chanak Crisis was a war threat that Turkey had against GB -France, Italy and Canada voted against have a war with Turkey -King split from GB decision to form " Canada's " own, to see weather Can would take action
    Canada made there own decision on a War Act Crisis: Time of intense difficulty
    vote: formal indication of dicision
  • 1923 Halibut Treaty

    1923 Halibut Treaty
    -An agreement between Can and USA about halibut being fished and when its allowed
    -Can's first negotiation without GB
    -GB wanted to be sign the Treaty but Can did not want them to because king did not think it would be necessary because it was a problem in NA (King)
    Canada demanded there own representation in Washington for the negotiation. Treaty: A formal agreement between two countries
    Negotiate: try to reach an agreement
  • 1926 King/Byng Crisis

    1926 King/Byng Crisis
    -King asked General Governor Byng for an election but he said no (was not allowed to say no)
    -Byng gave power to Arthur Meighan (Conservative Party) he also asked for an election and Byng said Yes
    -King won the election Meighan asked for. (King, Meighan)
    Byng said no, which he was not allowed to elect his own party. Conservative: holding traditional values and attitudes
    Election: formal way to elect someone
  • 1926 Imperial Conference/The Balfour Report

    1926 Imperial Conference/The Balfour Report
    -GB and it's colony countries were now equal
    -This means Canada officially became an independent country
    -The King/Byng crisis was also a factor that helped decide to make the country independent, so they could be self-governed (King)
    Canada became it's own country. Colony: area controlled by another
    Government: Controllers of a country
  • 1927 Foreign Canadian Embassies Canada's Ambassador

    1927 Foreign Canadian Embassies Canada's Ambassador
    -Canada opened Embassies in 3 countries (France,Belgium and USA)
    -Embassies were a symbol of independence for Canada to hold government in foreign countries (King)
    Could allow communications to other countries and GB not be apart of it. Embassy: Staff of a country to represent it
    Foreign: different than our own culture/Country
  • 1931 The Statute of Westminister

    1931 The Statute of Westminister
    -Represents Britain giving full Parliament to Canada
    -Britain no longer had control over Canadian Laws (Bennett)
    Britain couldn't make laws for Canada (Canada Gained FULL Autonomy) Statute: A Written law passed by a legislative body
    Parliament: highest Legislature