Canada's early exploration timeline

  • Jun 1, 1000

    Leif Ercison

    Leif Ercison
    Leif was the first European to reach the coast of north western Newfoundland. He brought of Eurpoean goods and the inhabitants were able to trade for goods from eurpore they have not seen.
  • Jun 26, 1497

    John Cabot

    John Cabot
    John cabot was the first to reach person from England to come to North America. John would have brought over goods from England that would be new to the inhabitants.
  • Jan 1, 1534

    Jacques Cartier

    Jacques Cartier
    Jcques claims his terrority for france. This was good for canada because it developped trades with france very early on. Canada was able to recieve new products and techonlogy.
  • Jun 17, 1579

    Sir Francis Drake

    Sir Francis Drake
    Sir Francis Drake reached Vancouver in 1579 from Spain. This made it able for canadians on the west coast to trade with Sir Francis Drake and his crew. West coast canadians were able to get products they have never seen before as they were from Europe.
  • Champlain founds Quebec

    Champlain founds Quebec
    In 1608, Samuel de Champlain founded the first settlement in quebec which is now know as quebec city. He then created a traders store that people could go too in Quebec.
  • Henry Hudson enter hudsons bay

    Henry Hudson enter hudsons bay
    Henry Hudson's crew mapped and explored the shore. They were trapped on shore and remained there. This is important to Canada's trade because he started the Hudson bay's company. This was one of canada's first majoring trading companies.
  • Hudson's Bay Company

    Hudson's Bay Company
    The Hudson's bay company was created in 1670 and it was once the biggest company in North America. It created many trading partners for Canada and those trading partners still exist today. The Hudon's bay company is still an important company to canada today.
  • North West and Hudson's Bay Company Merge

    North West and Hudson's Bay Company Merge
    North West and HBC, two rivals, merged to create one company. This was the beginning of the HBC's growth, covering North America.
  • Canadian Pacific railway

    Canadian Pacific railway
    The Canadian Pacific Railway connected all of Canada and allowed trade to be done between both coasts of Canada much easier and faster.
  • World War 1

    World War 1
    World War 1 affected Canda's trade because our goods were being used for war. As well, other country's goods were being used for war. Therefore there were no goods to be traded and countries were involved with war and had other things to worry about.
  • World War 2

    World War 2
    World war two had a greater effect on Canada than World war one. all our goods were being used for war and we didnt have neough products to be traded with other countries.
  • United Nations

    United Nations
    The goal on United Nations is to promote the development of devloping countries. This creates new country's for canada to trade with. As well. it helps devoloping country's that are in need. This will help devoloping country;s create competition.
  • Free trade agreement

    Free trade agreement
    People believed that Canada would grow from signing a free trade treaty with United States. This allowed Canada to openly trade with America and recieve new goods and this created competition in Canada to lower prices.
  • Nafta

    Nafta created free trade throughout north America. This means that canada,mexico and the united states are able to trade there goods freely. This helps canada get new products from the other countrys and we trade our goods with them.
  • Bjarni Herjolfsson

    Bjarni Herjolfsson
    Bjarni was the first to reach North America. This was good for the inhabitants as it gave them new people to trade with. this gave the inhabitants new goods that they have never seen before.