Canadas 12 key moments

By darnik
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    The Last Residential School Closed(Political)

    The last school was located in Saskatchewan. The Government of Canada issued a public apology to Aboriginal People acknowledging Canadas role in residential schools.
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    Eaton's Department Store Closes(Economic)

    Has filed for bankruptcy. The Canadian department store chain main headquaters is in Toronto. They had many successful stores across the country. All their assets were sold to Sears Canada.
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    Korean War(International)

    Canadians fought in this war under United Nations command. more than 26,000 Canadians served on land, sea and air.
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    Sixties Scoop(Political)

    When Aboriginal children are taken from their families into child welfare system, without consent from their family or bands. Then placed into middle class European Canadian family.
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    Edmonton Oil Pipeline(Economic)

    The original Trans Mountain Pipeline was built in 1953 and still operates safely today. The pipeline is 1150km long between Strathcona County, Alta to Burnaby BC, that is how they ship oil.
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    Right to Vote for Indigenous People(Cultural)

    Before 1960 First Nations living in Canada did not have the right to vote in federal elections. The Government of Canada granted status for all Indigenous to vote without losing their status.
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    Voting Age(Political)

    Parliament passes legislation lowering the federal voting age from 21 to 18yrs, this adds two million Canadians to the electoral polls.
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    Summer Olympics (International)

    It was the first and so far, only summer olympics, held in Montreal, Canada. There were 6,084 athletes that competed in the olympics.
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    Terry Fox(Cultural)

    He began his marathon of hope to raise money for cancer research to spread awareness. He ran 5733 kms in 143 days on one leg. His legacy has raised more then 500 million.
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    The Loonie(Economic)

    This was proposed as a cost saving measure to replace the one dollar bank note .Coins would last longer and save in printing costs.
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    Gretzky gets Traded to USA(Cultural)

    Wayne Gretzky gets traded by LA Kings from Edmonton Oilers. He continues to set records in the NHL. Gretzky still holds the record for the most goals scored. Edmonton Oilers were very lucky to have such a legend.
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    Beverly McLachlin(Political)

    She became the first female Chief Justice of the Supreme court of Canada. She is the longest serving chief justice in Canadian history and the first woman to hold the position.