Canadadian History timeline

  • Jan 1, 1000

    Leif Ericsson Leads a Viking Expedition to the New World

    (circa date, AD) Leif Ericson, a Norse explorer, reguarded as the first European to land in North America, nearly 500 years before Christopher Columbus.
  • Jan 1, 1497

    Newfoundland is Discovered

    John Cabot finds Newfoundland and claims it for England, his funding country.
  • Jun 9, 1534

    St. Lawrence River is Explored

    Jacques Cartier, of France, was the first to explore the St. Lawrence River. He laid claim on the surrounding waters for France and named it "New France".
  • Quebec is Colonized

    Samuel de Camplain sails west and stumbles upon Quebec and claims it as the 1st French settlement in Canada.
  • French and Indian War

    Great Britan and France fought for the control of Canadian land & the fur trade and takes control of Quebec.
  • Expulsion of the Acadians

    The forced romoval of the Acadian people (descendants of 17th century settlers that settled in Acadia) by the British during the Frenc and Indian War.
  • Treaty of Paris is signed

    The Treaty of Paris is signed, giving Britan control of all lands east of the Mississippi River, except for two islands.
  • The Quebec Act

    The Quebec act guarantees that the French can maintain their culture (language, religion, traditions).
  • The War of 1812

    France and Great Britan work together against the US who tried to invade Canada).
  • British N. American Act

    This act created a federatation union of Canada; 4 provinces were joined by 1 constitution - The Dominion of Canada.
  • British Columbia Joins Canada

  • Transcontinental Railroad is Finished

    Increased travel from Canada's east to west coast; created new provinces and territories; increased the shipment of goods across the country.
  • Yukon Territory is Established

    Established to meet the needs of the growing population from the gold rush.
  • Women's Voting Rights

    In this year, women got the right to vote in Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Alberta.
  • Ancient Monuments Act

    Statue of Westminster estabished Canada as an independent country but part of the Commonwealth of Nations.
  • St. Lawrence Seaway Officialy Opens

  • Constitution Act

    Canada becomes a bilingual country with English and French as its official language.
  • Nunavut Territory is Established

    Nunavut was created so that the Inuit could have their own land and government.