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Canada During the Last Century 1914-2014 School Project

By Eladen
  • Period: to

    Canada From 1914 - 2014

  • World War I Begins

    World War I Begins
    Austria-Hungary decalres war on Serbia. oTher countries soon to join.
  • Britan and Canada Decalre War

    Britan and Canada Decalre War
    Canada Joins war as soon as England declares War on Germany. Canada had no say in the matter. Nobody knows what they are walking into. Canada should have fought in the War but should of descided whether they wanted to fight.Score 0. This picture was chosen because it shows how little these men knew about the war and and how many signed up at a time.
  • Vimy Ridge

    Vimy Ridge
    The batle of Vimy Ridge was a majour turning point in Canadian History. Major Planing from Canadian Comander Arthur Currie was one of the reasons this batle was won. 4 of the 5 divisions were Canadian and without the suport of the Candian troops VImy Ridge could not of been taken. Ater the War during the signing of the Peace treaty Canada was given a seat in part because of our participation at vimy ridge.

    Score +2 France was very gratefull for Canada at Vimy Ridge and these pilars show that
  • Conscription Crisis

    Conscription Crisis
    In the Year 1917 Canada proposed to start Conscripting men into the army. This was a controvertial vote because many Canadians did not beleive that Canada should be fighting and did not want to be forced to risk there lives. Notcible opposers of the Conscription Act were the French Canadians. Canada aloud women to vote fedrally for the first time . Score -1. People should never be forced to risk there lives. This picture shows the opposition to the vote on consription
  • Armistice

    The war Ends
  • Winnipeg General Strike

    Winnipeg General Strike
    The WInnipeg General Strike was the first strike of its kind with 30,000 workers waling out of there jobs Nation wide in sympathy strikes for Winnipeg workers. Nearly every Job had somebody leaving. The Government intervened by talking to the employers and descided to force the strikers back to work. Score -1 Canada did not listen to the strikers who needed to be listened to. Only the rich employers were listened to. The picture shows the anger of the strikers and how big the strike was.
  • Women Declared a "Person"

    Women Declared a "Person"
    After a long struggle with the government going through multiple courts women were declared "persons" and were aloud to be apointed to senate. This happened because of five Albertan women lead by Nelie McClung. This lead the way for more womens rights and helped stoped gender-based discrimation. Score +1 Canada was becoming more egalitarian. This statue is of the famous five and there fight for legislation. It apears on the old 50$ bill.
  • Black Tuesday

    Black Tuesday
    The stock markets crashed across Canada and the U.S. on October 29th 1929. This started the time period known as the Great Depression. Canada atempted to stop this crash but were unable because of the finacial ties to the U.S. Score 0. Canada had no power to stop this big problem. This photo shows how many people with finacial ties to the stock market are trying to save their stocks. It was taken in fron of a Vancover Finacial Center.
  • Creation of the CRBC

    Creation of the CRBC
    The CRBC (later the CBC) was created by Prime Minister Bennett. In the late 1920s there was no big media that reprsented Canadian culture. The CRBC was the first big media production of Canadian Culture. This along with the NFB and the Govenor General Awards were created to stop the American Domination of Media. Score +2 Nearly every Canadian listens to the CBC for talk radio. THis picture shows the original CRBC logo.
  • Canada Denies Jewish Refugees

    Canada Denies Jewish Refugees
    The MS St. Louis atempted to get Jewish refugees into Cuba. After denial of there Visas the St. Louis seeked refuge in Canada. The minister of imigration persuaded PM King to deny them refugee status. The St. Louis returned to Belguim and France but soon afterboth of those countries were invaded. Score -2 Canada was to anti-semetic and not cultraly sensitve enough to save the lives of thousands. This photo shows the hopefulness of passengers looking towards land.
  • World War II Begins

    World War II Begins
    Germany Invades Poland
  • Canada Declares War on Germany

    Canada Declares War on Germany
    Canada along with France England and the other Common Wealth Countries declare war on Germany.
  • Raid of Dieppe pt 2

    Raid of Dieppe pt 2
    There should have been more naval support to take the pressure off the men on the beach. The lack of ways to retrieve the troops also cost many lives. This picture shows men lying strewn across the beach.
  • Raid of Dieppe pt1

    Raid of Dieppe pt1
    Canada particpated in the first raid of its type. The goal was to breach the German defences on the French cliffs. There was no way to be prepared. Most of the men were shot before they were even able to leave the boat. The machine guns had a good defencive point and the boats made the troops vulnerable when leaving. Oncethe were on the shores there was little cover and many more where killed then. Not expecting this much turmoil there was not enough back up. Score -2 Cont.
  • D-Day

    D-Day was a massive turn around in the War against Germany on the wetern front. Canada was given the Juno beach. The objective was to get to french citeies. Between the British and the Americans, Canada was the only mission to sucefully achieve it in the given timeline. Score +2 Canada was the ony one to achieve there goal so it shows the world how strong and presistant canada could be. This picture was of Canadians disembarking from the ship
  • Korean War pt 2

    Korean War pt 2
    Score 0. Canada started fighting because the US asked them to and that cost the lives of many. They were to greedy wanting to free the entire country. Canada learned its lesson and chose not to fight in Vietnam. This mage shows canadain troops marching past the 38th paralell were they would be pushed back to.
  • Korean War pt 1

    Korean War pt 1
    Canada went to fight a pointless war in Korea along with the U.S. and England. This war started to free the Koreans from the comunists. The first part of the war helped free the south koreans who did not want to be cmunists but AMerica and the south wanted to free all of Korea and pushed the comunist forces all the way back to China. China being comnists fought with North Korea all the way back to 38th parllel and the south gained no teritory.
  • Suez Crisis

    Suez Crisis
    After the war England and France wanted control over the Suez canal whcih would give them a lot of money. Egypt curently controlled that area. Russia was threating Nuclear war if England or France invaded. Canadas Lester Pearson was the Leader of the UN Peace meating for the Suez Crisis and diverted the crisis. Score +2 for the first time Canada showed its Peacekeeping side and until lately Canada was always identified with Peacekeeping. This picture shows Pearson at the Suez crisis
  • October Crisis

    October Crisis
    Many Quebecois people wanted seperation from Canada. A terrorist group fighting for sepreatism the FLQ kidnaped the British Trade Comitioner and then the Quebec Minister of Labour. This led to PM Trudeau to invoke the War Measures Act that led to the army coming into quebec who arrested anyone who seemed to involve themselfs with the FLQ. The minister of Labour was found dead but the Trade Comitioner was saved.Score 0 Canada delt with the crisis experly. The photo shows the army marching into Q
  • Canada Act

    Canada Act
    Until the Canada act Canada neededto consult Great Britan before they could make changes to legislation. Pierre Eloit Trudeau had Britan sign off a Partition that alowed Canada to be completely free from England.The Charter of Rights and Freedoms was made because of that. Score +1 Canada could finally make all of the desisons a country could make on its own. This is the image of Queen ELizabeth II signig the Canada Act
  • War in Afghanistan

    War in Afghanistan
    Canada descided to go to war in Afghnistan agains the terorist groups called the Taliban and Al-Qaeda. For over 10 years Canadians have been trying to liberate and take down the terrorist gorups in Afghanistan. This involved the first Candian death in a military zone since the Korean war.This has cost many soldiers life who didnt need to be sacrificed. There was no possible outcome because the terrorism groups controlled no land so no visble outcome was possible.
  • War In Afghanistan Conclusion

    War In Afghanistan Conclusion
    Canada deschided to withdraw the canadian troops from Afghanistan. Score 0 Canada Helped Afghanistan in many ways bu the point of the war could never be achieved because they were not fighting a state but a Group. Canada helped the Afghan military and education system in the country. The pho shows the military funeral of some canadian troops. The amount killed from the war does no justify the cause.