Canada Timeline 1867-1999

  • Reil is hung

    Riel is hanged in Regina
  • A new begining for Canada

    Dominion of Canada comes into being: Sir John A. Macdonald sworn in as prime minister.
  • Louis reil and the Metis

    Louis Riel and Métis occupy Lower Fort Garry. The red River Rebellion has begun.
  • joining Confederation

    British Columbia joins Confederation.
  • Sir John Macdonald resigns.

    Prime Minister Sir John Macdonald resigns as a result of scandal over the partial financing of the Conservative election campaign by the Canadian Pacific Railway Company.
  • Prince Edward Island Confederation.

    Prince Edward Island joins the Confederation
  • Riel is elected to House of Commons

    Riel is elected to the House of Commons but cannot take the seat
  • The first telephone

    Bell's first functioning telephone is demonstrated in Boston.
  • The railway grows.

    The Intercolonial Railway, growing out of the Halifax-Truro line, links central Canada and the Maritimes.
  • The UofM.

    The provincial legislature creates the University of Manitoba, the oldest University in western Canada.
  • Hockey Time.

    The first organized games of hockey, using a flat puck, are played by McGill University students in Montreal. Before this, hockey-like games have been played on ice with a ball.
  • Louis Riel.

    Riel, who had become an American citizen in Montana in 1883 only to return to Canada in 1884, leads the North West Rebellion.
  • A new leader.

    The Liberals choose Wilfred Laurier as leader.
  • joining the Confederation

    Province and territories joined Confederation, or were created from existing parts of Canada: Alberta, Saskatchewan
  • The coins of Canada.

    The coins of Canada.
    A branch of the Royal Mint is established in Ottawa, making for the first time coins in Canada.
  • Canada and the United Nations.

    Canada joins the United Nations. joins the United Nations.
  • O Canada

    O Canada is officially adopted as Canada's national anthem.