Canada's Role in the Cold War

  • Quebec's Padlock Law

    Quebec's Padlock Law
    The Law prohibit propaganda from the province of quebec
  • Spies in Canada: Gouzenko Affair

    Spies in Canada: Gouzenko Affair
    Igor GouzenkoIgor Gouzenko was trained in intelligence work. The impact on Canada was the fear that the Soviet Union wanted to overthrow democracy in the west.
  • Berlin Blockade

    Berlin Blockade
    The wall stopped Canadians, and other allied countries from getting information, supplies to Berlin. The Canadians then used airplanes to ship necessary supplies and information.
  • International Alliances: Nato and Warsaw Pact

    International Alliances: Nato and Warsaw Pact
    These were two alliances. NATO being the democracy side, and the Warsaw Pact being the communist side. Canada was part of NATO.
  • "The Forgotten War"- The Korean War

    "The Forgotten War"- The Korean War
    Canadians sent 8 destroyer ships to battle. 516 Canadians were killed in the Korean war.
  • UN Peace Keeping: The Suez Crisis and Pearson wins Nobel Prize

    UN Peace Keeping: The Suez Crisis and Pearson wins Nobel Prize
    Lester B Pearson became a front line player in the United Nations. He proposed the first peacekeeping mission ever. He then won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1957.
  • Vietnam War and Draft Dogers in Canada

    Vietnam War and Draft Dogers in Canada
    Canada didn't fight in the war, but small numbers of national forces were sent to inforce the Paris Peace Accords. Draft Dogers were americans who settled in Canada to avoid conscription.
  • Sputnik and Canada's space program

    Sputnik and Canada's space program
    SputnikThe Sputnik Threatened Countries such as Canada because of it's capabilities. The Sputnik could help a missile hit thousands of miles from the Soviet Union.
  • Continental Alliances: Norad and DEW

    Continental Alliances: Norad and DEW
    NORAD created DEW was a warning system which protects the North American continent from the Soviet Union.
  • Avro Arrow and it's Cancelation

    Avro Arrow and it's Cancelation
    CF-105 Avro ArrowThe main reason for the creation of the Avro Arrow was to protect agains possible soviet nuclear attacks. Diefenbake cancelled the project for american made Bomarc missiles to protect instead. This costed 14 000 Candians to lose their jobs.
  • Diefenbaker, Bomarc missiles, and nuclear warheads in Canada

    Diefenbaker, Bomarc missiles, and nuclear warheads in Canada
    Diefenbaker chose the missiles to protect from possible Soviet nuclear attacks. The Bomarc missiles were the replacement for the cancelled "Avro Arrow". A huge loss for canada because we could of used the Avro Arrows for other missions than just nuclear attacks.
  • The Cuban Missile Crisis

    The Cuban Missile Crisis
    Cuban Missile CrisisThe Cuban's were ordered to create missile launch sites to fire at the US, from the Soviet Union. Being close to the US, this put Canada in danger, and was a major threat.
  • Canada-Soviet Hockey Series

    Canada-Soviet Hockey Series
    Canadian-Soviet Hockey SeriesThe series shaped hockey making it faster and better. The Canadians lost game 8 to the Soviet Union with a score of 7-3.
  • The fall of the Soviet Union

    The fall of the Soviet Union
    The End of the USSRThe Soviet Union separated into 15 seperate countries. Biggest out of the countries would be Russia.
  • The Fall of The Berlin Wall

    The Fall of The Berlin Wall
    The wall between the communists and the democratics was destroyed. Canadians which live in Berlin had more freedom like the Canadians.