Quebec's Padlock Law
Quebec introduced a law that would protect the province from Communist Propoganda
It banned everyone in the province from being a communist and having any communist propoganda
It allowed the government to destroy any communist propoganda
Anyone who had made communism propoganda could be imprisoned -
Gouzenko Affair
Gouzenko TestimonyGouzenko was trained in intelligence work and learned that soviets operated several spy networks in Canada
He gave Canada soviet spy work because he found out that he was getting deported back to Russia
He gave away 18 soviet spys' names to Canada and asked perminant protection for it
He wore a hood to protect his identity -
Berlin Blockade
Berlin BlockadeRussia wanted to liberate west Berlin
They put a boundary called the "iron curtain" to block all the supplies coming into west Berlin from the Allies
However, the Allies sent the supplies to west Berlin by air
USSR broke a rulle of the agreement, which made the Allies not too happy -
International Alliances: NATO
Canada and US and other countries became extremely concerned about the Soviet attacks
These countries created the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
Members pledged to protect each other from attacks
USSR also created a rival military alliance called the Warsaw Pact
Both sides were in an arms race and had ebough nuclear power to blow up the world -
The Korean War
The Korean WarWar declared between Communist China and North Korea and South Korea
Supporting South Korea, the USA troops tried to liberate North Korea but China drove them back
During this role, Canada had a huge part as they were the third highest country to provide aid to South Korea -
The Suez Crisis
THe Suez crisisThe Egyptians took control of a major shipping route called the Suez Canal
Because of the control, France, Britain , and Isreal attacked Egypt
USSR gave aid to the Egyptians
Hugee conflict that almost could have caused a nuclear war -
Diefenbaker and Bomarc missles in Canada
Prime MInister John Diefenbaker was a good leader by cutting taxes, helped farmers, and raised senoir pensions
He wanted to make a new military machine for Canada's defense
He wanted to make the Amrican Bomarc MIssles, and he promised many jobs would open
But this failed and increased unemployement -
Launch of SputnikUSSR launched a satelitte in space called Sputnik
It had the potential to deliver nuclear bombs on North America
So the US started to make long-range missles
USSR felt threatened and also made long-range misssles
Other countries felt that they needed to send a satellitte in space, so Canada sent their first Called the Alouette -
NORAD and DEW line
Canada and the US mad an agreemeant that would protect each other from long-range missles, this was called NORAD
Because technology was improving, Canada allowed US to create Distant Early Warning (DEW) systems in the North West Territories
These systems warn the US about incoming missles by the USSr -
Avro Arrow and its Cancellation
The Avro Arrow was a Canadian made fighter jet
It was one of the best fighter jets at that time
Production of this jet was cancelled by John Deifenbaker
After its cancellation, !4000 canadians lost their job and thousands of dollars were gone to waste -
The Cuban Missile Crisis
The Cuban MIssle CrisisThe US found out that Russia has set nuclear missle site in Cuba
Those missle were targeted on major cities of America
The US then decided to create a blockade on Cuba to stop the nuclear bombing
The blockade worked and saved Canada and the US -
Vietnam War And Draft Dodgers in Canada
Vietnam WarThere was a long war between America and Vietnam
The new president elected for US at that time promised that the war between them and vietnam would be over
However, thousands of Americans fled to Canada to 'Dodge" the "draft" of the army -
Canada-Soviet Hockey Series
Summit Sries Game 1Canadian teams had not been able to win against top Russian teams
In 1972, a series composed of Canada vs Russia was held
The series was tied 3-3
In the final game, canadian Paul Henderson shot the winning goal with minutes left
This was a huge boost of nationalism in Canada -
Fall of the Berlin Wall
Thousand of East Germans moved to west Germany when the berlin bloackade was removed
All travel restricitons were lifted due to the change in government
First border opening occured in Bornholmer Strausse -
The Fall of the Soviet Union
The Soviet Union came to an end on December 26 1991
The Union split into 15 countries
The west was extremely happy that the union dissolved