Quebecs Padlock Law
The Padlock law was passed to reduce the spread of communism in the Democaratic World. The Law was passed by the Union Nationale on March 24 1937. Any people who violated the law were subdue to strict punishments and the closure of the property propogating Communism hents the "Padlock" Law. CBC A Peoples History Comfort and Fear -
Spies in Canada: The Igor Gouzenko Affair Part 2
of a Nuclear Bomb, Canada and the USA began security measures to protect their secrets and the Cold War began. -
Spies in Canada: The Igor Gouzenko Affair
Igor Gouzenko was working for the Russian embassy in Ottawa, Ontario prior to the Cold War, and had access to many files containing secrets regarding Russias spies within Canada. Igor Gouzenko defected from the embassy September 5, 1945 and had 109 files containing Soviet Espionage secrets. To prevent him from being deported back to the USSR Gouzenko gave the files to Primeminister King, after Prime Minister King learned of Russians spies within North America and their plan to steal the design -
Berlin Blockade
The Berlin Blockade was the Soviets attempt to gain control of all of Berlin. The Allied part of Berlin recieved no supplies from the USSR, and recieved aid from the Allied countries. To take over the rest of Berlin, the USSR cut off the Allied access. -
The North Atlantic Treaty Organization was established April 4, 1949 and includes Canada, USA, Belgium, Britain, Denmark, France, Iceland, Italy, Luxemburg, Netherlands, Norway, and Portugal. This was made in the in order to give the North American nations and other nations threatened by the USSR, some protection <a href='http://http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MkqFg7HIpEg' -
Forgotten War
The Korean War was waged over two countries with two different Political Beliefs. North Korea was a Communist Country who was protected by the also Communist Soviet Union and China. South Korea was protected by Countries who were in Democratic belief this included the United Kingdom and the USA. The war was a battle to end Communism and during the war tension between the USSR and USA began to build as the War came to an end on July 27, 1953. -
The Suez Crisis
The Suez Crisis erupted on July 26, 1956 when Egypt nationlized the Suez Canal and cut off all shipping lanes. This decision caused a short war between Egypt and Britain, France, and Israel. The conflict ended March 1957 after Israel invaded, the Canal was opened up. Among the many who helped solve the crisis Lester. B. Pearson was one of them. Pearson won the 1957 Nobel Peace prize for organizing the United Nation Emergency Force which effectiveley ended the Suez Crisis. -
Sputnik and Canada's Space Agency
The Russians became the first country to launch a man made satellite into space on October 4, 1957 with the Sputnik-1. This was the beginning of the space race between the USSR, USA, and Canada. The CSA had been working on launching devices into orbit since the 1950's, Canada became the third country to successfully launch a man made Satellite in 1962. The CSA was officially established in 1990. Sputnik -
NORAD and the DEW Line
NORAD is the North American Aerospace Defense Command that protects both Canada and the United States. NORAD is still in use today. The DEW Line was a line of radars along the Northern Arctic region of Canada to warn of Soviet Bomber and land based attackers during the Cold War.
Avro Arrow and It's Cancellation
The Avro Arrow was an Interceptor Jet designed for Cold War conflicts. The Avro Arrow was a supersonic Jet that could reach Mach 3, however the Avro Arrow was cancelled and to this day is a topic for Debate among Historians. The cancellation put Avro out of Buisness and the Country at greater risk of an attack during the Cold War. Avro Arrow -
The Cuban Missle Crisis
The Cuban Missle Crisis was the closest the USSR and the United States was to a Nuclear War. The USSR had placed Nuclear Missles in Cuba in the case the USA attacked, then they would have missles ina close country to counter attack. The conflict had ended October 29, 1962 and the threat was resolved without a Nuclear War -
Diefenbaker and the BOMARC Missles
John Diefenbaker was Canada's 13th Prime Minister and served during the Cold War. The Bomarc Missles were ballistic missles that could carry a conventional warhead or a 10 kiloton Nuclear Warhead. These missles were stored in Canada during the Cold War. Diefenbaker cancelled the Avro Arrow for the BOMARC Missles because he thought they could do the same job and saw no need for the Avro Arrow. BOMARC Missles -
The Canada and Soviet Hockey Series
The 1972 Summit Sereies was an 8 game series between Canada and the USSR. The first 4 games were held in Canada and the last 4 in Russia. The final game was tied 5-5 and with 34 seconds left Canada scored taking the 1972 Summit Series and giving the USSR the biggest upset in Hockey History. To this day the Summit Series is the most famous Hockey sereies in Canadas short history. Summit Series Final Game -
The Vietnam War and Draft Dodgers
The Vietnam War was from 1956 to April 30, 1975 and was a war against Communism. North Vietnam attacked South Vietnam, however North Vietnam was a Communist Country. This was what Democratic Countries were trying to end, the spread of Communism. American troops were deployed and the war to end Communism began. Draft Dodgers were people who moved to Canada from the USA to avoid conscription. Vietnam War -
The Berlin Wall
The Berlin wall seperated West Berlin from East Berlin, or Democracy from Communism. The well was a reminder of the battle between the USSR and the USA, one that had been known as the Cold War. Not only was the war one of the threat of a Nuclear attack but a battle to end Communism. On October 3, 1990 the Berlin Wall fell and with it, the cold memories of Communism. -
The Fall of the Soviet Union
THe President of the USSR Mikhail Gorbachek had resigned December 25, 1991 officially ending the USSR and the Cold War. On December 26, 1991 Mikhail Gorbachek handed over the launch codes to the Russian President and a declaration was signed to end the USSR this declaration was called 142-H