
Canada's history to nationalism

  • Canada confederation

    Canada confederation
    The confederation was a great step to Canada's nationalism, making a responsible government. giving us more independence from the British and giving our people of Canada a say in our decisions to make our nation peaceful, and free.
  • North West Rebellion

    North West Rebellion
    This event was fought between the Canadian government and the Metis. They fought hard for a few months till eventually the Meits won. Keeping there land, there way of life, tradition, history and culture all safe. This war won by the Metis saved our Canadian nationalism with becoming an independent country, but also keeping our ethnic differentiates still here.
  • Adoption of the Canadian flag

    Adoption of the Canadian flag
    The adoption of the Canada flag just adds on to nationalism Canada has been creating for themselves as a self-governing country. Giving us just that little extra to show we are independent and a nation.