Canada's History

  • 1497

    John Cabot claims Newfoundland for Britain

    John Cabot claims Newfoundland for Britain
    In 1497 John Cabot claims Newfoundland for Britain.
    Who this affected? British settlers began to move to Canada. There was almost an endless supply of fish which is what Britain was searching for. It affected the indigenous because contact with the Europeans was peaceful at this time and they began trading with them. They were able to get tools that made life easier. With John claiming Newfoundland it put pressure on the french to Claim territory.
  • 1535

    Jacques Cartier claims the St. Lawrence region for France

    Jacques Cartier claims the St. Lawrence region for France
    In 1525 Jaques Carter claims the St. Lawrence region for France.
    Who did it affect? French settlers moved to Canada. They benefited from the trade with indigenous. With the indigenous trading stayed peaceful and beneficial to both sides of the trade.
  • Samuel de Champlain founded New France

    Samuel de Champlain founded New France
    In 1608, samuel de champlian founded french colony of New France.French colonizer in search of beaver fur
    Indigenous: They now helped by trapping animals and delivering beaver pelts to fur traders.They were provided with European goods they could use for ceremonies and to go to war
    French: French colonies had the opportunities to expand their felt hat industry back in Europe.
  • Britain grants a charter to the Hudson’s Bay Company

    Britain grants a charter to the Hudson’s Bay Company
    in 1670 British fur trading company was granted territory further in the land.
    Who did it affect? The British were granted territory further in the land for their fur trading company.The French now had to deal with the competition of Britain in the fur trade
  • Period: to

    Seven Years War

    The seven years war was a war between Britain and France over control of colonies in North America. Britain defeated France in 1763 and won control over all the French colonies.
    Who was affected? French lost all there colonies and Britain gained controll over all of french colonies
  • The Royal Proclamation

    The Royal Proclamation
    Royal Proclamation, issued King George III, that places all colonial settlements in Canada under Britain's control. Land grants were established for British settlers.
    Who was affected? The British got all colonial settlements in Canada an got land grants for British settler. Brittish migration was now way more appealing.
  • Period: to

    British Immigration to Canada

    More than 750 000 British settlers immigrated to Canada. They came over to get the land promised to them in the royal proclamation.

    Who was affected? Britains came to canada in search for land they were promised
  • Confederation of Canada

    Confederation of Canada
    On July 1st, 1867 Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick enter into the confederation to create the new Canada.
    Who was affected? British settlers were encouraged to move to the west to begin farming and settlements. Metis had already settled there 100 years prior. British settlers were forcing the metis off the land, this created conflict between Metis and British.
  • Period: to

    Red River Rebellion

    Metis settlers, led by Louis Riel, resisted the Canadian government. There was a list of demands to the Candian government for protection of Metis land rights in Red River. The metis executed Thomas Scott, who was against to metis provincial government. John A. McDonald sent negotiators to resolve the conflict. The negotiated a place called Manitoba that protected metis right.
    Who was affected? Metis rights were protected and they got a province for themselves.
  • Period: to

    Signing of the numbered treaties

    Many leaders of First Nations signed treaties with the Canadian government throughout western Canada.
    Who was affected? Mc. Donald needed land to settle the west and build the railroad. Indigenous people gave up their land and in exchange education and health care would be provided for First Nations people. The first nations also signed the numbered treaties for survival purposes.
  • The Indian Act

    The Indian Act
    the Indian act was a law that placed First Nation People under the authority of Canadians government. The intention of this was to assimilate First Nation People.
    Who was affected? The first nations lives were controlled by the government. Their reserves were managed and controlled. They were not allowed to have Powwows and Sundance as well as their opinion didn't matter.
  • Native residential schools open in Canada

    Native residential schools open in Canada
    Because of the Indian Act, educating first nations was the responsibility of Canada's government. The government thought that the best way to educate them was to assimilate first nations into Canadian society. First nations were forced to leave their homes.
    Who was affected? Thousands Of first nation children were taken from their families and forced to practice the Christian fate. Punished for practicing their culture, experienced all kinds of abuse, and they were left with emotional problems.
  • Northwest Rebellion

    Northwest Rebellion
    In 1885, Metis and first nation lead an armed resistance against the Canadian Government in Alberta. They resisted the expansion of settlements into the west as well Canadian government was not living up to treaty obligations.
    Who was affected?
  • Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples

    Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples
    The royal commission was a government investigation into the reason why Indigenous and non-Indigenous had problems. The report showed that the Canadian government was responsible for the issues that affected Indigenous.
    Who was affected? Canadians government had to work hard for building a relationship with the Indigenous. the indigenous cultures, language, history and treaty rights starting being respected.
  • The last Native residential school closes

    The last Native residential school closes
    In 1996 the Gorden Indian Residential School was last residential school closed in Saskatchewan.
    Who was affected? Aboriginals are no longer forced to go to these schools where there mentally and physically abused.
  • The Truth and Reconciliation Commission established

    The Truth and Reconciliation Commission established
    The Canadian government gave an official apology, on behalf of all Canadians, for first nations who mentally or physically damaged in residential schools. apart the apology TRC was established. The goal was for First Nation to share their stories, help bring justice for them, and bring awareness to the public.
    Who was affected? First Nation survivors were now able to get the justice they deserved for attending residential schools.