Canada's Growing Independence

By ayesh_0
  • Treaty Of Versailles

    Treaty Of Versailles
    Description:The treaty of Versailles officially brought an end to the war.
    What Happened:Germany officially signed the treaty thus ending the first world war.
    Canada's Growth from this event:Canada signed under a british dominion. This Led to events causing Canada to become its own independent country.
  • League of Nations

    League of Nations
    Description: The league of nations was the first global organisation made.
    What Happened:The league of nations failed as it didn’t have enough major powers such as Germany, Italy, Japan, and didn’t have enough participation from the major powers it had.
    Canada's growth from this event:The league of nations was the first time Canada was able to collaborate with other governments and introduced Canada opportunities and challenges faced with being an independent country.
  • Chanak Crisis

    Chanak Crisis
    Description: Britain and Turkey arguing over Turkey’s threat to take over the Chanak area.
    What Happened:Britain asked Canada for military support in case a war breaks out. Was a war scare.
    Canada’s growth from this event:Canada would be able to make its own decision regarding foreign policies.
  • Halibut Treaty

    Halibut Treaty
    Description: Canada and the united states came to an agreement on the halibut fishing season in the North pacific ocean
    What Happened: Canada and the United States signed the treaty. The king of Britain insisted that Canada will sign the treaty and not Britain
    Canada’s growth from this event: Canada won the right to sign treaties with a foreign country on their own.
  • Imperial Conference

    Imperial Conference
    Description: The signing of the Halibut Treaty. It was done without Britain.
    What Happened: The fishing agreement was signed between Canada and America. This was the first treaty Canada signed without Britain
    Canada’s growth from this event: First time Canada was able to negotiate its own treaty with another country.
  • Balfour Report

    Balfour Report
    Description: The king argued that the British Dominions should be allowed to make their own judgement and have their own power towards foreign policies.
    What Happened: The Balfour report determined that Canada was a self-governing independent nation.
    Canada’s growth from this event: Canada was no longer a dominion.
  • King-Byng Crisis

    King-Byng Crisis
    Description: Julian Byng refused to call an election that was requested by the king of Britain.
    What Happened: They came to the agreement that the governor-general would be the representative of the British crown
    Canada’s growth from this event: Canada was finally able to communicate directly to the british government.
  • Statute of Westminster

    Statute of Westminster
    Description: On the date December 11th, in the year 1931, The British parliament passed the Balfour report law.
    What Happened: This meant that Canada was officially a self-governing country.
    Canada’s growth from this event: Canada was able to create its own laws.