Canada's Growing Independence after World War 1

  • Treaty of Versailles

    It was a peace treaty that brought World War I to an end.
    The Germans had to take blame for the cause of WW1 and had mostly everything stripped of them. Canada had a big part in WW1 and got to sign the treaty and was recognized as an independent nation afterwards.
  • League of Nations

    An international organization created after the First World War to provide a forum for resolving international disputes. Countries came together to form an organization to keep peace and settle disputes.
  • Chanak Crisis

    A war scare in September 1922 between the United Kingdom and Turkey.
  • Halibut Treaty

    A Canadian-American agreement concerning fishing rights in the North Pacific Ocean.
  • Imperial Conference

    Imperial Conferences were meetings which brought together Britain and its Dominion.
  • King-Byng Crisis

    The King-Byng Crisis was a 1926 Canadian constitutional crisis pitting the powers of a prime minister against the powers of a governor general.
  • Balfour Report

    The Balfour Report of 1926 declared that Britain and its Dominions were constitutionally equal to each other.
  • Statute of Westminster

    The Statute of Westminster, of 11 December 1931, was a British law clarifying the powers of Canada's Parliament and those of the other Commonwealth Dominions.