Battle of Vimy Ridge
Battle of Vimy Ridge is were Canadian autonomy started out.This battle was given to Canadian forces when other countries tried taking over the ridge but failed. Britain seen the fighting power that Canada has and gave Canada leadership to take over the ridge from German soldiers. Canada's 4 division fought together for the first time and took over the ridge very fast. Many soldiers were left the war proud fighting for Canada. -
Military Service Act
The Military Service Act was a act created to get more soldiers in the war. The act was every men age 18-45 were forced to go to the war. Canada was dedicated to finish the war to show Britain they can fight on their own and trying to show them they are ready for independence. This a step closer to Canada gaining autonomy. -
Chanak Affair
Chanak Affair occurred when Turkish troops threatened British troops because they were in their land in Chanak. Then Britain decided to request troops from Canada encase they try attacking but Canada did not send any troops and by the time they took deciding if they should the battle had ended. This shows Canada making their own decisions and looking to become independent. This showed Britain that Canada would not do what is told. -
The Halibut Treaty
The Halibut Treaty was signed between Canada and US. This treaty was signed to protect Halibut stocks in the pacific ocean. This treaty was also signed without Britain being involved in anyway. Which is a big move to autonomy. Canada is slowly showing that they don't need Britain to make decisions. Canada at this time are acting like a independent country. -
The King/Byng Affair
This affair was when Governor General Julian Byng refused to dissolve Parliament that was request from the Prime minister William Lyon Mackenzie King. This shows that Canada is now working like a independent country with the problems like this occurring. Britain did notice this affair. -
The Balfour Report
The Balfour Report is a landmark document that declares Canada as a independent country. This is what Canada has been working towards it all leads up to The Balfour Report. Canada has shown Britain that they don't need them and Britain finally let Canada be a independent country but Britain was still somewhat part of the decisions made by Canada. -
The Statute of Westminster
The Statute of Westminster was a law created were all Countries under the Commonwealth Dominions will be given full independence allowing them to make decisions without Britain being involved which was not given when the Balfour Report was created. This is what all the countries work was aimed to lead to and it finally happened in 1931.