Jan 1, 1497
John Cabot began his European exploration
John Cabot began European exploration in 1497, who was the first person to draw a map of Canada's East Coast, -
Jan 1, 1534
The Beginning of Jacques Cartier's Voyages
Jacques Cartier made three voyages across the Atlantic, claiming the land for King Francis the first, of France. -
Jan 1, 1542
The Ending of Jacques Cartier's voyages
Jan 1, 1550
Canada Appearing on Maps
By the 1550's, the name "Canada" began appearing on maps. -
First European Settlement, north of Florida
French ecplorers Perrie de Monts, and Samuel de Champlain first on St. Croix Island began settlements (which is now known as Maine), then at Port-Royal. in Acadia (now known as Nove Scotia). -
Champlain builds a fortress
In 1608, Champlain built a fortress that is now known as Quebec city. -
Hudson's Bay Company is granted trading rights
In 1670, King Charles the second granted the Hudson's Bay company exclusive trading rights over the watershed draining into the Hudson Bay. -
French anc Iroquois make peace
British Defeated French
In the Battle of the Plains of Abraham, the British defeated the French. -
Quebec Act is pased
The British Parliment passed the Quebec Act od 174 to better govern the French Roman Catholic majority. -
United States forms
The 13 Britieh colonies to the south of Quebec declared independence and formed the United States in 1776. -
The Constitutional Act is passed
The Constitutional Act of 1791 is passed, dividing the Province of Quebec into Upper Canada, and Lower Canada, -
New British Colony is formed
Some Black Nova Scotians who were given poor land moved to establish Freetown, Siera Leone, for freed slaves. -
Upper Canada becomes first province in the Empire to move towards abolition.
British Parliment prohibitd the buying and selling of Slaves
In 1807, British Parliment prohibitd the buying and selling of Slaves and in 1833 abolished slavery throughout the Empire. -
United States lauches invasion
Lieutenant-Colonel Charles de Salabury turned back invaders a Chateauguay.
In 1813, Lieutenant-Colonel Charles de Salaberry and 460 soldiers, mostly french Canadiens, turned baxk 4,000 American invaders at Chateauguay, south of Montreal. -
The Montreal Stock Exchange opened
Armed Rebellions begin
Armed Rebellions end
Nova Scotia attains full responsible government
The Firt British North American colony to attain full responsible government was Nova Scotia. -
Canada Becomes a Country
Until 1982, Huly first was celebrated as "Dominion Day" to commemorate the day that Canada became a self-governing Dominion. Now, it is known as Canada Day.