Canada on Trial Assignment

By pt12
  • Manitoba & Metis Land Scrips

    Scrip was given to Metis in exchange for their land rights
  • Creation of the Indian Act

    An attempt to assimilate the First Nations.
  • Legislation Creating Residental Schools Passed

    Made residential schools mandatory for young children to make assimilation easier
  • Potlach Ban

    The federal government banned the First Nations from having a potlatch as an act of assimilation.
  • PH Bryce Report Suppressed

    A report was made on the horrible conditions of residential schools and made sure that everyone knew that the federal government was responsible for these conditions.
  • First Nations Enfranchisement

    The government changed a section in the Indian Act and denied the First Nations the right to vote.
  • Trudeau's White Paper

    It was established for the equality of all Canadian citizens and to view the First Nations as Canadian citizens.
  • Red Paper

    It was an act of resistance that emphasized the treaty connections between the First Nations and the federal government.
  • Calder vs. Attorney-General of British Columbia

    The Nisga'a Tribal Council asked the Supreme Court of British Columbia to acknowledge the fact that their title to lands in and around the Nass River Valley had never actually been taken away.
  • Bill C - 31

    Reinstated Indian Status to women and children who lost it due to marriage with a man who does not have status
  • Oka Crisis

    It was a standoff that was initiated by the idea of expansion of a golf course and townhouses on Kanesatake land and Mohawk burial grounds.
  • Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples

    A survey of historical and modern relations between the Indigenous peoples and non-indigenous peoples in Canada.
  • Creation of Nunavut

    The Canadian map was redrawn, which divided the Northwest Territories into 2 territories which permitted the creation of Nunavut. It would be a homeland for Canada’s Inuit culture and peoples.
  • Residential Schools Apology

    Stephen Harper stood in the House of Commons to formally apologize to the FN, on behalf of the Government of Canada, for the abuse, hardships, and generational and cultural displacement that stemmed from the assimilative, government-authorized residential schools.
  • Idle No More

    A protest against the introduction of Bill C-45 by Stephen Harper’s conservative government. The protest grew to circle environmental concerns as well as indigenous rights more generally.
  • Truth and Reconciliation Commission

    It provided people who were directly or indirectly affected by the legacy of the Residential Schools with an opportunity two share their stories and experiences with others.
  • MMIWG Inquiry (Final Draft)

    The Truth and Reconciliation Commission backed the call for a national public inquiry into the unequal victimization of Indigenous women and girls after more than 2 years of confessions from Indigenous Knowledge Keepers, experts, and over 1,400 survivors and family members of the missing and murdered.