Battle of the Atlantic
Allied countries vs Nazi Germany, over the Atlantic ocean, lasting the entire war. Britain, as an island, is strictly dependent on imported goods, Nazi Germany tried to stop th eimportation by staying under water in submarines and attacking passing boats. It was an Allied victory but to the cost of 3500 merchant boats, 175 wasships, suck for the loss of 783 U-boats. This is significant as it is the longest and largest battle in sea in history. -
Canada Declares War
Canadians proved their inpendence and loyalty to their allies by declaring war on Nazi Germany seven days after France and Britain. It is significant because this is the first major action Canada took as an independant country, and that Canada understood the threat of Hitler. -
Battle of Britain
RAF (and the now RCAF) battled Nazi air force (Luftwaffe) over Britian. As the battle progressed, the Luftwaffe also targeted factories involved in World War II aircraft production and ground infrastructure. Eventually the Luftwaffe resorted to attacking areas of political significance and using terror bombing strategy. This is significant as it was an Aliied victory, double amount of nazi planes went down that RAF planes.. -
Government Imposed Ratioing
All English and French Canadians were very much pro-rationing, government took away individual freedoms. the significance is that people were okay with this in the need of war. -
Battle of Hong Kong
British sent not fully trained young Canadian soldiers to defend Hong Kong besides the obvious fact that Japan was planning to attack. the significance is that when Japan attacked it had the highest casualty rate throug out the entire war, and those who didnt die were captured and brought to POW camps, were many died due to extremly unfair treatment, many starved to death. This caused Canadians in home front to turn agaisnt Japanese-Canadians. -
Japanese Internment
22000 Japanese -Canadians taken from their homes and brought to camps, in BC Canada. The racism from the battle of Hong Kong brought tension and fear to Canadians on the homefront. This is a significant event that shows a time where Canada was not paradise to all. The Japanese-Canadians lost everything they owned, all becasue the goverenment assumed they were spies. -
Dieppe Attack
Britain sent 50 000 Canadian soldiers to fight againt German coastal defences, to satisfy Soviets, Americans, and Canadians.This battle failed and is significant becasue majority died, then another large precent was taken to POW camps. Few escaped. The plan was not really thought through, they attacked a heavily armed, fortified beach in broad daylight. Either considered a helpful battle so we learn from our mistakes, or a complete waste of time, and man power -
Allied forces quickly and successfully took France back from Nazi control. the significance is that it was the beggining on the end of the war, three nations and the most people ever to join together, All navys, air forces and armies joined forces. largest scale planning.