Quebec's Padlock Law
Created by Quebec's Premier Maurice Duplessis
An attorney could close any building for a year if it had Soviet propaganda
People could be imprisoned for a year without appeal -
The man in the hood
A breif oral history of Igor attempting to warn the worldIgor Gozenko worked in the Soviet Embassy to Canada
He dected to Canada in 1945 and inform the west about the Soviet's plan to steal nuclear secrets and sleeper agents
Began known as "the man in the mask" because he would wear a mask while in public to hide with he looked like -
Creation of Isreal
The U.N created the state of Isreal
Shockenly the people living there prior didn't like this
The U.S supported Isreal
The Soivet Union supported the nieghbouring counties of Egypt, Iraq and Syria -
The Berlin Blockade
Care to learn more about the blockade, click hereAn attempt to physical block off West Berlin
The blockade failed due to airlifts
The blockade created a lot of tension between the West and the East -
NATO had 12 founding memebers
By creating an united front the Soviet Union wouldn't want to attack
The new Union also attacked as a Atomic deterrence -
Korean War begins
North Korean, supported by China, attacked South Korea
The U.N came to save South Korea
Only 16 countries, including Canada, came to help South Korea -
Korean war ends
There was many different roles for soldiers in the war25,000 Canadian men saw action, however only 406 died
Canada stays in South Korea to help maintain the war ending truce -
Originly stood for North American Air Defence, but now it is North American Aerospace Defence Command
The Distant Early Warning Line was built in order to detect Soviet bombers
It was built in the Arctic, mainly in Canada -
Suez Canal crisis
The Suez Canal was an important waterway
Egyptian leader General Nasser took control of the canal
Isreal attacked Egypt, in reasponse the Soviet Union said they would help Egypt
Canadian Prime Minister Lester. B. Pearson created the UNEF ( United Nation Emergecy Force) to resolve the problme and won a Nobel Peace Prize for it. -
Launch of Sputnik
Humanity entering the space ageThe Soviet Union launchs Sputnik, earth's first manmade statilite
The rocket that launched Sputnik could also bomb North America
American's start to build intercontinental ballistic missiles
Canada builds Alouette 1, the first satellite made by the country outside of USSR or the U.S.A -
Avro Arrow
Canada's first supersonic planeThe Avro Arrow was a supersonic jet built in Canada
It was highly expensive to build one of these jets
Eventually the Avro Arrow was cancelled, costing Canada 14 000 jobs -
The 13th Prime Minister of Canada
Wouldn't allow any Nuclear warheads into Canada
Planned to purchase Bomarc missiles, but wouldn't give them nuclear warheads
His opposition eventually beat him the the elections and placed nuclear warheads into the Bomarc -
The Cuban Missile Crisis
The crisis put all of the world's leaders on edgeThe Soviet Union wanted nuclear missiles in Cuba
This was problematic as Cuban based missiles would be able to easily hit the U.S.A
American President-at-the-time John F. Kennedy built a naval blockade around Cuba
The Soviet Union withdrawled their nuclear missiles from Cuba -
The Draft Dodgers
Western powers wanted Canada to aid them in the Vietnam war
Canada agreed to fight in the War if six near impossible prerequisites were achieved
Canada never ended up going to war in Vietnam
Many American's can to Canada to avoid being sent to Vietname or to be "Draft Dogders" -
Canadian-Soviet Hockey Series
Goal of the centuryThe Soviet Union would use professional Hockey players to complete against the other countries in Olympic Hockey
Canada uses NHL against to Soviet Union
Canada wins gold -
Fall of the Berlin Wall
Gorbachev had been issued a challenge to tear down the wall
West Berlin protesters wanted out
The protest was growing in numbers
Eventually the wall was taken down -
Fall of the Soviet Union
Czechoslovakia, Romania, and Bulgaria fell in Decmeber 1989
The soviet Union was becoming bankrupt
Gorbachev resigned on Decmeber 25, 1991
The Soviet Union offically ended in 1992