Samuel Champlain and Quebec
Samuel de Champlain made an attempt for settlement in New France when he turned his attention from Acadia to the valley of the St.Lawrence in 1608.This attempt was successful,still growing till today and Champlain was still involved in fur trade during his time -
Paul de Chomedey
Paul de Chomedey, Sieur de Maisonneuve was a French military officer and founder to Montreal. He arrived in 1641, bringing with him between 200 and 300 colonists, and settled the island of Montreal. This settlement was attacked by the Indians, and was bravely defended. In the latter year, Maisonneuve returned to France and brought out 100 settlers, and established a company of militia for the defense of the settlers against the Indians. -
Filles du Roi( The kings daughters)
The King daughters also known as 'Filles du Roi' were a group of single French women who arrived in Canada between 1663 and 1673 to increase population since there was only men previously.They were about 800 women and their trip was paid for by King Louis XIV of France.Some were given Royal Gifts for their hand in marraige. -
The battle of the plains of Abraham
This battle happened during the Seven Years War between the British and the French.The French fought unprepared which let to them having Canada taken away from France,becoming a part of British 1759 -
United Empire Loyalist
After the conquest of New France by the British in 1760 and the end of the American Revolution War in 1783, over 40,000 United Empire Loyalists settled in the colonies of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, island of St john and Quebec. -
Black refuges of 1812
This was the third wave of black migration and it happened during the period of the war of 1812.It provided an opp for African American slaves to escape from the Chesapeake Bay area of Virginia and Georgia to Nova Scotia on British ships.Like the American revolution,the British issued proclamations to attract Blacks in the US to relocate British colonies but the Blacks chose freedom in Nova Scotia over slavery in the US.Smaller numbers continued to trickle into the province until 1816. -
Great migration to Canada
About 800,000 people arrived to Canada from Europe between 1815-1850.They were Irish and Scots fleeing poverty and famine caused by the enclosure movement and the potato blight in their English controlled homelands. English, Welsh and Scottish immigrants came with the hope of escaping their humble origins. -
Underground railroad
About 30,000 Black Americans secretly came to Canada fleeing from slavery between 1840 and 1860. They traveled the Underground railroad, a secret network of escape routes from the United States. An escape led my Harriet Tubman. She never lost a single passenger because on the trip she threatened to kill anyone who wanted to turn back because doing so would lead slave owners to them. Slavery had been made illegal in Canada by this time -
Canadian Pacific Railroad
In 1871 when BC became a confederation,the people agreed to join Canada after Prime Minister Sir John A. Macdonald promised a transcontinental railway would be built within ten years to join this westernmost province to the other provinces. The government employed an American contractor and hired 17000 workers from China.The railway took 4 years to build and its construction and completion attracted Chinese, American and European workers and adventurers.It was completed in 1885. -
Chinese Head Tax
The Chinese Head tax was a fee to be paid by Chinese who wanted to come into Canada.The government set this fee to reduce the chinese coming into Canada after the Canadian Pacific Railway was built.The tax wasnt abolished until 1923 by the Chinese Immigration Act -
Canadian West Immigration
About 1896, the minister of interior (Clifford Sifton) conducted an aggressive promotion campaign to attract White American and European immigrants by promising them free and cheap land in the Canadian West. Over 784000 immigrants came from US (half of them were returning Canadians) and over 500,000 came from Germany, Austria, Hungary, Scandinavia, Russia, Poland and the Ukraine. -
The Klondike Gold Rush
The Klondike Gold Rush was a reason for prospectors and miners to migrate to north-western Yukon regions. Between 1896 and 1899, a sum of 100 000 prospectors moved to the area. The most popular housing city was Dawson City that had a total of 30 000 people. Unfortunately, the city was wooden and in poor and unsanitary conditions. The population had become uninterested when the rush had subsided, and people had either moved to the next gold rush or other areas in Canada. -
Russian immigrants
Russian immigrants have come to Canada since 1793. In 1899, a mass of 7500 doukhobors immigrated to Canada, and mainly near what would be now known as Ontario. However, they'd also settled in other areas such as Montreal, Winnipeg, Victoria, and Vancouver. Additionally, in 1890-1895 many Russian Jews moved to leave the ghetto and the poor condition of Western Russia. Many of these people made small communities in areas like Toronto, Windsor, and Timmins. -
Continental Europe
During the period of the world war 1 )In the years 1911-1913) between 300,000 and 400,000 immigrants arrived each year to Canada , most of them from Britain and continental Europe -
World War 1
World War 1(1914-1918) caused a sharp drop in immigration. Travel during the war was too dangerous. Even in the “Roaring Twenties” immigration did not return to pre-war levels. Canada developed a racist immigration policy, placing restrictions on Asians, Blacks and Jews who wanted to enter the country