Canada History

  • Acadians are exiled from their homes

    The British people did not want the Francophone in their newly conquered lands. So they kicked them out of their homes and forced them into Quebec and surrounding lands. This relates to Canadian identity because this fueled Francophone rage
  • The battle of Abraham

    The British invaded the French people and won, resulting in the transfer of Quebec to the British. This is significant to Canadian identity because it paved the way for Francophone people to be mad at the rest of Canada.
  • The royal proclamations

    It is a document that set out guidelines about European settlement of First Nations land. It is significant to Canadian identity because
  • Lord Durham's report about the assimilation of French colonists

  • BNA Act

  • Creation of the North West Mounted Police

  • The creation of the Indian Act

  • The creation of the Chinese Head Tax

  • Manitoba Schools Question becomes issue in federal election

  • Conscription Crisis

  • Statue of Westminster

  • The White Paper on Indigenous rights

  • The October Crisis

  • National Energy Program is implemented

  • Canada adopts official multiculturalism

  • Bill 101 is passed in in Quebec

  • Quebec refuses to sign the constitution

  • Turbans are allowed in the RCMP

  • The Oka Crisis

  • Second referendum on whether Quebec should seperate

  • Canada apologizes for the residential schools