Canada: Conflict and Cooperation - A Timeline With Attitude

  • August 4, 1914 Rating +1

    +1: I think this is some progress, because although this was a part of the long term effect of Germany surrendering, it might not have been fully necessary, ending with lives lost, possibly for no reason. About 61,000 Canadian lives were lost in WWI.
  • Britain declares war on germany because Germany invaded Belgium, forcing Canada to join them in the fight

    Britain declares war on germany because Germany invaded Belgium, forcing Canada to join them in the fight
    Many of the Canadians at this time were British, making many people see Britain to be family in a sense. Britain was in charge of things that happened outside of Canada’s borders, done by Canada. Therefore meaning that as soon as Britain declared war on Germany, Canada too was forced to go to war. +1
  • November 19, 1926 Rating +2

    +2: This is significant progress, because it meant that Canada was finally outside of the full control of Britain. Canada was capable of independence long before this report was adopted, and they finally got it. Independence is a sign of strength, meaning that Canadians finally had some power of their own.
  • The Balfour Report is taken on by Canada

    The Balfour Report is taken on by Canada
    The self-governing countries under the British Empire went to a meeting about their association with Britain in London. It ended with the making of the Balfour Report, which meant that the post British colonies were not under the control of Britain anymore and Britain would not make decisions for the countries. +2
  • Canada declares war on Nazi Germany

    Canada declares war on Nazi Germany
    This was more than just a declaration of war, it was also an act of independence. The Prime Minister at the time decided to make the independent decision of joining the war although they had technically already joined as part of the British Empire. Many Canadians recruited themselves out of a sense of duty, and others out of want for a steady job. +2
  • September 10, 1939 Rating +2

    +2: This is significant progress because it led to the eventual surrender of Germany, and the victory of the war for Canada and its allies. Canada was very helpful in the air and ocean battles during the war.
  • The Canadian Citizenship Act is passed

    The Canadian Citizenship Act is passed
    The Canadian Citizenship Act was created, making Canadians Canadian citizens, rather than British. This meant that you had access to new rights and responsibilities. +2
  • May 14, 1946 Rating +2

    +2: This is significant progress because it furthered Canadian independence and allowed its citizens more benefits of being a part of Canada. It made Canada more of an attractive country, and was a big part of getting its well known freedom as a whole.
  • The North American Free Trade Agreement between the U.S., Canada and Mexico takes effect

    The North American Free Trade Agreement between the U.S., Canada and Mexico takes effect
    This was an agreement between the U.S., Canadian and Mexican governments created in order to allow all trade and investment/ get rid of anything that might get in the way of trade and investment between the countries. This caused fast expansion in the trading world between the countries. +2:
  • Jan 1, 1994 Rating +2

    +2: This is significant progress because it was an agreement that helped strengthen the relationship between U.S., Canadian and Mexican governments. This agreement made for more peace and trust for the three sides involved. It made for more options for people with goods, so that they have more ways of making money. This was very helpful in improving the economy of Canada.