Canada: Conflict and Cooperation

  • World War 1

    World War 1
    World war began in 1914 after the assassination of Archduke franz Ferdinand of Austria. WW1 took place in Europe, Africa and Asia but it was mostly in the European aria. More than 650,000 Canadians and Newfoundlanders served in the war, their contributions and sacrifices earned Canada a separate signature of the treaty of versailles.
  • -2

    The reason why i think Canada Got a significant decline is that although after the war Canada became a United Nation and established the right for women to vote, Canadians common cause was the extremity of national effort almost tore the country apart with the resulting post-war dept of 2 billion dollars that was owned mostly by Canadians
  • Canada Declares war on Nazi Germany

    Canada Declares war on Nazi Germany
    Canada entered the war against Nazi Germany on of its own free will because they realized that Nazi Germany threatened the very existence of western civilization.
    During the second world war approximately 1,159,000 Canadians and Newfoundlanders served to fight of Nazi Germany and only 45,400 total death of civilians and Military deaths witch is Less then 5% of Canadians who took part. Canada's role during the war was mainly to convoy escorts across the Atlantic
  • +1

    I think Canada had some progress after the war Ottawa administered a large medical system, long-term care facilities, soldier insurance and land settlement program.
    Canada gained a national flag, a national social security system also called the Canada pension plan and national health insurance program and federal public servants won the rights to free collective bargaining.
  • The korean War

    The korean War
    The Korean War took place between north and south korea from 25 june 1950 to july 27 1953. The korean started when the north korean communist army crossed the 38th parallel and invaded non communist south korea. The Us wanted to take North Korea for an operation base but China secretly sent an army across the yalu river. Around 26,000 Canadians participated on the side of the UN. Canadian aircraft provide transportation,supply and logistics.
  • Neutral

    Canada didnt Lose progress or gained anything during the war. The Canadians soldiers fought alongside the United states and oter un memebers helping the republic of korea (south korea).
  • +1

  • The Olympics

    The Olympics
    The 1976 Olympics took place in Montreal while it being the first Canadian City to host the Olympic Games.Canada had a devastating medal haul during 1976 with a total of 11 and no gold Canada won five silver medals and 6 bronze during the games. Swimming is where they gained the most medals and once each in equestrian athletics and canoe-kayak sprints.
  • +2

    Canada had a significant progress because after the contract there was a large increase in Canada’s exports to the united states and a rapid growth of the Canadian economy especially the southern ontario and nova scotia area. Canadian exports to the UN grew by 33% after the treaty but American exports grew only by 7%
  • The Queens treaty

    The Queens treaty
    The reason why the Queen sign Canada was that Queen Elizabeth 2nd gave royal assent to the Canada act on march 29, 115 years to the day after Queen Victoria, Two generations above the seccound Queen they had approved the federation act of 1867
    Meaning the last legal tie with Great Britain was served and canada became a full sovereign state