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Canada day

Canada- between two wars1919~1939

  • Period: to

    btween two wars

  • Prohibition

    It is a time when the production and sale of alcohol was illegal. It was total prohibition was generally impossibale to enforce and eventually was replaced with the legalization of liquor under strict government contorl.
    soldiers from WW1 were returned home, but the bad hobbies they had became a big issue. The soldiers they spended all the money on the alcohol,but not on their wivies and family. The women were angry, they ask government, and passed the Prohibition police.
  • Branch Plants

    Branch Plants
    It is an industry in Canada making the same product as the Us parent company.
    Companies/ Businses set up in Canada by companies in USA. These companies were controled by American, and Canadians have very little power of influerce, Because of it, the best jobs were given to Americans, it is unfair to the Canadians,
  • Winnipeg Gernal Strike

    Winnipeg Gernal Strike
    This strike was happend in North part of winnipeg and the centreof winnipeg down town,
    Works(firefighter, streetcar drivers,.etc); the rich or business people, and the government are invoted.
    The causes of it are workers work for long hours but they only got low salary. Bosses/employers treated them very badly, they even not negotiate with them. Also, the government fear of communist revolution.(because of communist revolution in Russia after WW1). It END in June 25th,1919.
  • Bloody Saturday (Winnipeg Genernal strike)

    Bloody Saturday (Winnipeg Genernal strike)
    In this day, workers strked burning and destraning streetcar and property.
    The Mounties come with baseball buts and guns came to shout them down.
    Two workers were killed,50 of them injured and oters were arrest.
    After is Strike, workers learned to solve the problem through political selection not the violence.
  • League of Indias

    League of Indias
    in the 1920s and 1930s, Aboriginal peoples began to form organization to fight for their right. Frederick Loft organized the League of Indias in 1919.
    It is an organization to draw attention to the economic and social problems facing Aboriginal peoples.
    The League demanded that Aboriginal persons should have right to vote without giving up their special status.
  • Group Of Seven

    Group Of Seven
    Members: J.E.H MacDonald; Frank Johnston; Franklin Carmichael; A.Y.Jackson; Arthur Lismer; Fred Varley; Lawren Harris.
    It is a group of Canadian artist who determined to create art that dealt with the Canadian experience. They took their inspiration frome the Canadian land scape.
    They recognized for helping to create a unique Canadian style in painting.
  • Chinese Exclusion Act

    Chinese Exclusion Act
    This Act passed on July 1st, 1923 in Canada. It banned all Chinese except students, merchants, and diplomats from entering Canada. In the time period (1923 to 1947), this Act was working, there were only 8 Chinese admitted to Canada. To Chinese Canadians, this day is known as "Humiliation Day". The major cause to this Act was just Chiness discrimination.
  • Royal Canadian Air Force(RCAF)

    Royal Canadian Air Force(RCAF)
    RCAF was creaded in 1924. the government believed military planes could be justified only if they were used for peaceful purposes as well.
    Early RCAFpilots there fore also conducted surveys, patrolled for forest fires, watched for smuggling along Canada's coasts, and checked on fishing boats.
    In 1927, the post office hired pilots to fly mail into remote communities within Canada.
  • Persons Case

    Persons Case
    This is a case that Emily Murphy was faced in 1916. in which the supreme Court of Canada and, later, the Privey Council in Britain were asked."Does the word 'person' in British North America Act include female 'person'?"
    It is the decision of the privy Council said that women were indeed qualified to sit in the Senate of Canada
  • Black Tuesday

    Black Tuesday
    Blacck Tuesday is the day the stock market crashed in October 1929.
    It was one of the most dramatic events signalling the beginning the Great Depression.
    Many people who inbested in the stock market lost everything. in the crash.
  • Five-cent piece speech

    Five-cent piece speech
    It is a comment by Prime Minster King in which he said he would not give a five-cent piece to any province that did not have a Liveral government. His words came back to haunt him in the election of 1930 when the Liberals were voted out of power.
  • PM R. B. Bennett

    PM R. B. Bennett
    Prime Minister R.B.Bennett(July 3, 1870~ June 26, 1947) was a Canadian lawyer, businessman, politician, and philanthropist.
    He servedd as 11th PM of Canada from August 7, 1930, to October 23,1935, which is during the worst of the Great Depression years.
    He never married. Following his defeat as PM, he moved to England. And he died at Mickleham, England when he was 76 years old.
  • The Statute of Westminster

    The Statute of Westminster
    In this day, the British Parliament passed the Statute of Westminter. the Statute made the recommendations of the balfour report of law.
    Britain gave Canada its completely independence. Allowing Canadian to make their own laws and decide on their own foreign policy.
    Britain could no longer make any laws for Canada!
  • On- To- Ottawa Trak

    On- To- Ottawa Trak
    It is a journey that thousands of men fed up with life in the BC relief camps boarded freght tranins bound for Ottawa to protest to the government.
    The trekkers had a terrible life in the camp so they want to talk to PM about have a clear economic reforms such as minimum wages .
    They got as far as Regina and then they stopped by the Mounted Police.the PM Bennett thought they were trying to take down government.trekkers complaints fell on unsympathetic ears in the Canadian government.
  • Bennett's New Deal

    Bennett's New Deal
    It is a plan that PM Bennett made in 1936 to deal with the great deepression in 1935. He wanted to establish unemploymnet and social insurance, set minimum wages, limit the hours of work, guarantee the fair treatment of employees, and control prices os that businesses could not make unfair profits.
    Most people think he make this deal just an acting, the purpose of it is to win the election in 1935
  • Canadian Broadcasting Corporation

    Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
    Canadian Broadcasting Corporation(CBC) is ridio stations established by the gobernment to bring Canadian broadcasting to even the most remote areas of the country. It became a powerful force in establishing national unity across Canada