
Canada Between 1800-1850B

By saba.j
  • Period: to

    Canada Between 1800-1850

  • War of 1812

    War of 1812
    The War of 1812 was a war between America and Great Britain from 1812 to 1814. Canada was a part of this war because Canada was one of the British colonies. This war took place in Upper Canada, Lower Canada, Great lakes and the Atlantic in America. The main cause of this war was many economic approvals “taken by the British and French against the US as part of the Napoleonic Wars and American outrage at the British practice of impressment, especially after the Chesapeake incident of 1807.” On Ju
  • Welland Canal Opened

    Welland Canal Opened
    The very first Welland canal opened in 1829, “Two schooners passed from Port Dalhousie to Port Robinson, Upper Canada, symbolically opening the Welland Canal and linking Lakes Erie and Ontario for the first time. The canal opened the way to the west and countered the threat of the US Erie Canal.” There are still Welland canals to this day, The Welland Canal is part of the St. Lawrence Seaway, which connects the Atlantic Ocean to the Great Lakes and is used by ships to bypass Niagara Falls. The
  • The Cholera Epidemic

    The Cholera Epidemic
    Cholera is a very bad and infectious disease, it causes awful diarrhea and diarrhea can lead to dehydration and if you don't treat it, it can lead to death. It can be caused by eating foods or beverages that have been contaminated by a bacteria called Vibrio Cholera. Items like Municipal water supplies, Ice made from municipal water, Foods and drinks sold by street vendors, Vegetables grown with water containing human wastes and Raw or undercooked fish and seafood caught in waters polluted wit
  • Abolition of Slavery

    Abolition of Slavery
    Slavery ended in Canada with the Slavery Abolition act on august 28th 1833 and took effect on 1834. Britain abolished The Slave trade in 1807, but slavery itself wasn't abolished until 1833. The Act abolished enslavement in most British colonies, freeing over 800,000 enslaved Africans. This act’s cause wasn't mainly British North America, the act was there to help get rid of slavery that was most existent in British tropical colonies because that was where the slave population was the highest.
  • The Rebellion of 1837

    The Rebellion of 1837
  • The Underground Railroad

    The Underground Railroad
    Canada abolished slavery before America did, so between 1840 and 1860 the American abolitionist followed the north star on the underground railroads to get some freedom in Canada. It was kind of like a secret network of routes and safe houses which helped people get to countries with freedom li8ke Canada.” Sometimes there were guides available to help people find their way to the next stop along the way.
  • Irish Immigrants

    Irish Immigrants
    In the 1840s, there were lots of Irish settlers that came to Canada because they wanted to escape the potato famine in Ireland. This famine was when the potato crops failed to grow which led to major hunger problems. The potatoes weren't growing because it had a disease called blight it was kind of like a fungus. The potato was their main source of nutrition and they didn't have enough money to purchase other food items. Most people died from the potato famine and the ones that didn't die emigr
  • The Act of Union

    The Act of Union
    The act of union was created at 1840 by the British parliament to bring upper Canada and lower Canada together, which created the province of Canada. This act was a following action of the Durham report. Lord Durham thought this would be a good idea because “a combined Canada would also have an overall English-speaking majority, to control the divisive forces Durham saw in French Lower Canada, making it safe to grant the responsible government he also advocated. Britain agreed to union, though n