SS St. louis
the ss st.louis pulled into canada docks with 900 jewish familys from germany trying to escape from being killed by the nazis. this is singiffant because it shows that canada was not always a warm welcoming country -
battle of the alantic
The battle of the Alantic was a struggle trying to get food and supplies over the Alantic to Europe for the allies with out being sunk by the Germans U-boat. This is significant because to win the war the Canadians had to get the Alantic back to get supplies over to europe -
Period: to
war breaks out
canada decliares war on hitler on 1939 because canada relized that hitler could not be pleased. also canada was still loyal to britian. this is signiffant because it shows that canada was indepedant and saw hitler as a threat -
battle of Hong Kong
The Canadians are defending Hong Kong from the Japanese so they do not take Hong Kong which belongs to America -
japanese internment
when canada was at war with japan during WW II any japanese people who were in canada were rounded up and put into animal stalls and every one of their rights were takne away from them. this is signifant because it shows that canada was very raciest and canada did not care about your rights -
dieppe attack
The Canadians attacked the beach during the night but the Germans were waiting for them so when they landed on the beach the Germans mowed them down with machine guns. This is significant because it shows that canada should have had a plan before they just ran In there. -
The Canadians take one of the coast that the Germans were holding. When the battle was done on the beach. The allies started to push the Germans back to Berlin and Germany. -
battle of brittan
during the day and night the britans would get bombed over and over aging until they start bombing germany. this is signiffant because 80 canadians were involved in this battle and if britan lost this battle the nazis would have won the war