
Canada and the League of Nations

  • Paris Peace Conference

    Paris Peace Conference
    Canada attends the Paris Peace Conference along withe the other allied forces to set terms for the Central powers following their defeat in WWI.
    Montgomery, Marc. “Canada History: Jan 10 1920- Founding of the League of Nations.” RCI. Radio Canada International, January 10, 2017. https://www.rcinet.ca/en/2017/01/10/canada-history-jan-10-1920-founding-of-the-league-of-nations/.
  • Period: to

    Sir Herbert Ames

    Sir Herbert Ames "served as financial director, a high administrative position in the secretariat". “Canada and the League of Nations.” Canada and the League of Nations | The Canadian Encyclopedia. Accessed February 1, 2020.https://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.ca/en/article/league-of-nations.
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    Canada opposes Collective Security

    Canadian government unsuccessfully sought to remove the League’s collective-security guarantees, fearing they would draw Canada into further European wars. “Canada and the League of Nations.” Canada and the League of Nations | The Canadian Encyclopedia.
  • The League of Nations

    The League of Nations
    On this date, the League of Nations comes into force, of which Canada is a founding member.
    Montgomery, Marc. “Canada History: Jan 10 1920- Founding of the League of Nations.” RCI. Radio Canada International, January 10, 2017. https://www.rcinet.ca/en/2017/01/10/canada-history-jan-10-1920-founding-of-the-league-of-nations/.
  • Canada's role

    Canada was "entitled to stand for election to sit, with a number of Great Powers, on the restricted-membership League Council" Lorna Lloyd. “(O)n the side of justice and peace”: Canada on the League of Nations Council 1927–1930”, Diplomacy and Statecraft, 06/13, Vol. 24(2), pp. 171-191.://www-tandfonline-com.libproxy.wlu.ca/doi/pdf/10.1080/09592296.2013.789765?needAccess=true
  • First Session

    First session of the Council of the League of Nations, located in Paris. Swigart, Soren, Axel Schudak, and Philip J Strollo. League of Nations Timeline.
  • Court of International Justice

    Court of International Justice
    First meeting of the Permanent Court of International Justice. Swigart, Soren, Axel Schudak, and Philip J Strollo. League of Nations Timeline.
  • Canada's Role in Child Welfare

    "On election to the Council, Canada was appointed rapporteur on two subjects. One was Child Welfare. It arose out of Article 23(c) of the Covenant, whereby the League supervised the execution of agreements regarding “the traffic in women and children,” which led to the Assembly establishing a separate Child Welfare Committee" Lorna Lloyd. “(O)n the side of justice and peace”: Canada on the League of Nations Council
  • Elected to Council

    Canada is elected to the League of Nations' Council. Making it one of the one third of nine members elected annually for three year terms. Lorna Lloyd. “(O)n the side of justice and peace”: Canada on the League of Nations Council 1927–1930”, Diplomacy and Statecraft, 06/13, Vol. 24(2), pp. 171-191.://www-tandfonline-com.libproxy.wlu.ca/doi/pdf/10.1080/09592296.2013.789765?needAccess=true
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    Canada's Role in Later Councils

    "Remained uneventful. It was League practice to maintain, where possible, some continuity in rapporteurships and, until September 1929, Canada continued so to act in relation to opium and child welfare" Lorna Lloyd. “(O)n the side of justice and peace”: Canada on the League of Nations Council
  • Raoul Dandurand

    Raoul Dandurand
    Raoul Dandurand, a "Canadian representative on the council ... successfully proposed strengthening the procedures by which the League oversaw the treatment of linguistic and religious minorities in eastern Europe".
    “Canada and the League of Nations.” Canada and the League of Nations | The Canadian Encyclopedia.
  • Canada Steps Down

    Canada steps down from the League's Council. Lorna Lloyd. “(O)n the side of justice and peace”: Canada on the League of Nations Council 1927–1930”, Diplomacy and Statecraft
  • Italy

    Canada supported the League’s sanctions against Italy. “Canada and the League of Nations.” Canada and the League of Nations | The Canadian Encyclopedia.
  • Walter A. Riddell

    Walter A. Riddell
    "Canadian delegate Walter A. Riddell also proposed stopping all exports of oil, coal and steel to Italy ... It was publicly rejected" “Canada and the League of Nations.” Canada and the League of Nations | The Canadian Encyclopedia.
  • League of Nations No More

    "The League had ceased to function as a collective-security organization. It was replaced by the United Nations in 1945". “Canada and the League of Nations.” Canada and the League of Nations | The Canadian Encyclopedia.
  • Official End

    "The international regressions which led to the Second World War were the ultimate failure of the League which essentially ended with the start of the war and was officially dissolved". Montgomery, Marc. “Canada History: Jan 10 1920- Founding of the League of Nations.”RCI. Radio Canada International, January 10, 2017.
  • Official End pt. 2

    "The League transfers all its assets to the United Nations. Contract signed by W. Moderow, representative of the League, and Sean Lester, the last Secretary-General of the League of Nations". Swigart, Soren, Axel Schudak, and Philip J Strollo. League of Nations Timeline.