Hudson's bay company (emblem).svg

Canada and the Hudson Bay Company

  • Hudson Bay Company is born along with the signing of the Royal Charter

    Hudson Bay Company is born along with the signing of the Royal Charter
    Husdon Bay is the oldest trading company. With the signing of the Royal Charter it essentially allows the company to be ahead of all competition called a monopoly, they can now put all their effots into expaning business.
  • Hudson Bay's biggest competitor the North West Company

    Hudson Bay's biggest competitor the North West Company
    North West Company is permanently established by 1783, over the next 20 years they eventually control over 78% of the fur trade. HBC now have a major competitor to deal with.
  • Hudson Bay and North West Company merge

    Hudson Bay and North West Company merge
    After seeral years of fighting eachother the two finally decide it was best to merge under the HBC name, with a combined total of 173 trading posts and 1,983 employees they can focus on making profit instead of competing against eachother. Their main goal is to reorganize by elimiate trading posts that aren't making profit or have direct competition over one another.
  • The Deed of Surrender

    The Deed of Surrender
    By agreeing with this term they recieve £300,000 cash, allowed to keep 120 outposts and a large some of land 45 thounsand acres to be exact while giving up their rights to Rupert's Land and essentially giving up the title of fur trade monopoly. This was a smart move by HBC because they knew that they wouldnt be able to survive in the fur trading buesiness forever and would need to branch out into a different business.
  • HBC begins to sell farm lots to settlers in Western Canada

    HBC begins to sell farm lots to settlers in Western Canada
    Emerson, Manitoba was HBC's first land sale of 640 acres.with the land given to them selling land will be their main source of revenue for the next 50 years
  • Hudson Bay Company re-structures into 3 different departments

    Hudson Bay Company re-structures into 3 different departments
    Land sales, retailing, and fur trade. A newly elected board of directors reconized that land and fur trade would not be unlimited and would soon run out.Their idea was to expand in retail as they saw potential.
  • Hudson Bay Company buys Henry Morgan & Company Ltd

    Hudson Bay Company buys Henry Morgan & Company Ltd
    A Montreal-based department-store chain by buying these 10 outlets owned by Henry Morgan & Company its allows them to start expansions in malls.
  • Hudson’s Bay Oil & Gas becomes the second-largest holder of known gas reserves

    Hudson’s Bay Oil & Gas becomes the second-largest holder of known gas reserves
    Hudson Bay Oil and Gas invest 8 million in exploration, they have over 80 producing wells north of Edmonton in Canada's largest field. I would assume that this made up alot of HBC's revenues. In 1979 they wouldthen sell Hudson Bay Oil and Gas for 455million.
  • HBC becomes a Canadian company

    HBC becomes a Canadian company
    HBC is granted a new charter under the reign of Queen Elizabeth II and becomes a Canadian company due to majority of the shareholders are canadian. The benefits of being under Canada is access to Canadian resources such as the railway.
  • Hudson Bay Company buys Zellers, Fields, and Simpsons

    Hudson Bay Company buys Zellers, Fields, and Simpsons
    HBC buys Zellers, Fields, and Simpsons. Zellers controlling 155 stores along with 61 Fields outlet soon after HBC purchases Simpsons making them the leading retailer. HB's strategic vision is to satisfy all customers through its three branches.